
Dreams, Optimism, Wisdom

NEW EARTH RISING August 27, 2015



Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago


My old sociology notes have taught me well

Old worlds do pass to give way to new realms

Barely passing away the old world’s womb a-bear

The new world birthing so fresh as a babe

Likewise did I digest the lessons high

From mystic science come forth parallel notes

Of how a planet might be crashed to lows

Till density reached scratch bottom as we are

And then by deeds of benign divinities

Send forth multiple Buddhas gurus saints

Same planet finally moves up back to higher climes

A-born the old world perishes to oblivion’s cask

Fulfilled in tasks the starry souls do now proclaim

The old Earth dies so soon to make its claim

In history writ ‘tis done its role so clear

To give way now to new Earth arising near

Shaken off Earth’s back as lands recast

Turbulent waters washing dirt of older mast

Till past catastrophe as any newborn babe a-pass

The new Earth to nourish new races en masse

As new humanity unveils the virtues o’ jewels

Shall birds and mammals be more tame like sibs

No more will foul zoology nor vegetation be

As all of life forms croon blend in harmony

Arise! New Earth! Go forth to claim your place

In cosmic history seat in Halls of Grandeur

Happy will be Almighty One at last for thy ascent

That lower worlds shall later emulate with honor

[Philippines, 06 May 2010]


The birthing of the New Earth is the subject of planetary ascension theme that is currently the stock of discourse and practices of Terrans. Ordinary folks have their own paradigm to support them about the unfolding new Earth, while Lightworkers and ‘starseeds’ have theirs.

It has been taught to mystics, of which this fellow is one, that the planets do change in configurations across eons. Planets evolve to support life, than eventually die out as life supporter just in time for the humans in them to move over to other planets, than get refreshed after many eons to support life anew. Likewise was it taught to us mystics that the Earth, in the distant future, will evolve into a Sun of sorts. An article of mine on space-mass expansion of Earth across the eons partly provides the frame to explain the phenomenon.

The above is my literary version of those many writings I released about the planetary ascension and the astrophysical principles that explicate the phenomenon. The New Earth will see an end to polarity in collective and individual consciousnesses. The amazing development will be the natural taming of animals, they turning more friendly toward each other and towards people as humans’ polarity will give way to cooperation and synergy.



April 2011



Filed under: spiritual — erleargonza @ 10:39 am
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Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago


Catching as many dolphins and whales

They gleefully do with boisterous fun reverb

Bulging pockets they ready post-kill phonies

For the pouring thereafter of torrential monies

Sperm whales belugas orcas and all

Slaughtered are they for wax or meat

Likened to cows and tuna for dining tables

Greedy folks and merchants they to hunt

In all Earth’s corners true predators come

For the catch the prize of gory greed

Let it be declared in sonorous thunder

That all slaughterers of dolphins & whales

Are deeds of sacrificing life for Moloch

Mammon Ashtaroth bursting with gaiety

For those evil puppets of theirs slay

In their names come dirty slayers’ fun

And making no penitent for their slothful crime

Shall same folks be meted penalties so grime

For which they shall pay with gruesome kill

By the Overlords of Light a-thundering cometh

No quarters shall be brooked upon them killers

And same goes true for their dark evil masters

When life on them turns out they’d nowhere fly

Except to perish all as fumes consumed by flame

[Philippines, 03 May 2010]


This piece goes a step further ahead of the fact that dolphins and whales have human souls. As already relatively known, dolphins & whales were sent to Earth from their home planet in Sirius, the purpose of their collective mission being to help in balancing the negativities of Earth by their partial absorption and dissipation of the same dense energies.

Going a step ahead means applying axiology where possible, by stating an evaluative thesis about what killing of whales & dolphins by fisherfolks and merchants means. It is arguably a crime to kill them, they being humans performing a most noble mission. Killing or catching them for commercial purposes is a commission of a ‘left hand’ act—dirty and pecuniary.

As of this moment, cosmic justice is already busy processing those crimes, even as some committers of the crimes who already exited physically are now being mete out with penalties. Crimes do not go unpunished by karmic law, and so those criminals who committed the same, and who are still down here on the surface, should better get ready for karmic payments in penalty form awaiting them.



April 2011



CRIMES December 18, 2014

Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

The still calm of the morning
Is as deafening as stories
About crimes
Printed in the dailies
Broadcast on radio

Crime has become the cheapest
Flaunted by its own law
Of supply and demand
Its price roughshodly lowered
By abundance
More abundant
Than mangoes and guavas

They need not be bought at all
So much that even the harmless streets
Of recluse villages
Become zoos
Littered with
[Writ. 29 May 1991, Cubao, Quezon City, M.Manila]

The causality of crimes is a tough science, and I do recall during my collegiate years as a sociology student the exciting yet tough readings on criminality and deviance. What I learned from modern sociology is the law that social context determines consciouness (ideas, thought, values, philosophy). Thoughts about crimes, and the actual occurrences of crimes, are therefore products of the context of a 3rd dimensional reality, fusing sociology and the Teaching.
As I already peregrinated previously, cold-blooded killings are the results of predominance of Saurian (reptilian, dynoid, lizardian) genetics and culture on our psyche for so many eons past. We are still in a 3-D context, polarity games are the games of the present, and so the criminal instincts that are embedded in our genes and psyche will galvanize in daily commissions of crimes. Even if crimes are occurring at a decreasing rate in large cities today, they still occur and haven’t been eliminated.
Criminality has attained a life of itself, or become ‘autonomous’ in sociological terminology. Being so, if follows its own rules, and it is difficult to understand unless one subsumes the psyche under such rules. The risk being, of course, that one could become fragmented and commit criminal killings left and right, as one is attuned to the Primal/Demonic. Breaking off that autonomy is next to impossible in the 3-D context.
The better track to take is to change the context altogether. Which is what will happen once Terra will move up to 5th dimension, passing only briefly in the 4th density state. Those who resonate with 3D awareness, who are prone to committing crimes, will be transferred to their own 3D world. We therefore anticipate the disappearance of criminality at a very radical pace in the New Earth.

April 2011



Filed under: Uncategorized — erleargonza @ 8:11 am
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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra



The Creation Story – Tagalog

When the world first began there was no land, but only the sea and the sky, and between them was a kite (a bird something like a hawk). One day the bird which had nowhere to light grew tired of flying about, so she stirred up the sea until it threw its waters against the sky. The sky, in order to restrain the sea, showered upon it many islands until it could no longer rise, but ran back and forth. Then the sky ordered the kite to light on one of the islands to build her nest, and to leave the sea and the sky in peace.

Now at this time the land breeze and the sea breeze were married, and they had a child which was a bamboo. One day when this bamboo was floating about on the water, it struck the feet of the kite which was on the beach. The bird, angry that anything should strike it, pecked at the bamboo, and out of one section came a man and from the other a woman.

Then the earthquake called on all the birds and fish to see what should be done with these two, and it was decided that they should marry. Many children were born to the couple, and from them came all the different races of people.

After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around, and they wished to be rid of them, but they knew of no place to send them to. Time went on and the children became so numerous that the parents enjoyed no peace. One day, in desperation, the father seized a stick and began beating them on all sides.

This so frightened the children that they fled in different directions, seeking hidden rooms in the house — some concealed themselves in the walls, some ran outside, while others hid in the fireplace, and several fled to the sea.

Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of the islands; and those who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves. Those who ran outside were free men; and those who hid in the fireplace became negroes; while those who fled to the sea were gone many years, and when their children came back they were the white people.



I already wrote articles about the Tagalog creation mythos, which I will reprint in this piece. In the version above, the ‘kite’ is mentioned as the bird involved in the making of humans, while is another version it was the ‘dove’. A slight difference, although the Dove is more potent a symbol as signifier of the Father Deity.


[Philippines, 24 June 2011]




Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra


Let me bring you another folk lore from the Malays: the creation myth of the Tagalogs. Tagalogs are the ethnic groups of Luzon island in the Philippines, from whose dialect came forth the foundations of the national language of Filipino.


Tagalog is a coinage of Taga Ilog, literally meaning “from the river.” The river in the term is a referent for the hydrological societies that pervaded the Philippine archipelago prior to the advent of western imperialism and colonialism.


A nation richly endowed with folklore, with myths and legends, the Philippines counts among its popular lores the myth of ‘Malakas and Maganda’. Literally, it translates as ‘myth of Strong (Malakas) and Beautiful (Maganda).’


The myth goes that there was once a bamboo floating listlessly by the oceans. The bamboo finally ceased to float as it landed on a coast in the Philippines. As it did so, a white dove flying above descended on the bamboo and pecked it accordingly. The bamboo then split, and out came Malakas and Maganda. The Filipinos are their descendants.


A very ancient narrative, the mythos is, to my mind, a repository of a science that was already known in the ancient times: the science of birthing. Such a science was eventually lost, as the end of the ice age inundated land masses, sunk continental chunks of lands, and led to a dark age of sorts.


Despite the retreat of civilization after the end of the last glacial period, the survivors found ample means to preserve the knowledge and information that they could preserve through folklore (myths & legends). Let’s take the signifiers one by one.


  • Let’s take the case of the sea/ocean first of all. The water in the seas is a signifier for the amniotic fluid inside the mother’s womb. In the womb is, of course, the ovum which is a facility for birthing.


  • The bamboo, with its nodes, long and pliant, is signifier for the DNA/genes. It is unimaginable to create humans without the genetic vehicle for their making, the vehicle being no other than the DNA.   


  • The dove is a bird. The bird is signifier for ‘desire’ and the phallus as well. Both desire and phallus are key biological facilities in creating life forms. The bird pecking the bamboo signifies the procreation act.


  • From inside the bamboo, one presumably finds the masculine (Malakas) and feminine (Maganda) elements or identities. Which is what it is: both masculine and feminine genes are already inherently present in the DNA.


  • Having both a Malakas (masculine) and a Maganda (feminine) in one space, co-equal, refers to the law of duality. The DNA has two (2) strands, gender has two identities (male, female), and so on.


  • The soil, as indicated by the coast, signifies the elements of the Earth. All such elements are present in the human body. Without such elements, without biological matter containing such elements, babies can’t be produced. Soil is matter, from the Latin word ‘mater’ or matter, as it is also the feminine element (mother, mater).


That Malakas and Maganda simultaneously came out together from the same bamboo signifies the gender equality among the ancient Malays. Patriarchy was alien to the Malays, who were among the last subraces of the Atlantean ‘root race’ to evolve in history.


Patriarchy was largely imposed from the outside: from Islam it was imposed upon southern Filipinos, from Christianity unto Northern Filipinos. Indians and Chinese also migrated to the islands, introducing their brand of patriarchy.


Yet no matter how much tons of debris may have buried the ancient ways of the Tagalogs/Filipinos, they were not totally buried after all. One only needs to mine their folklores, of which volumes of documentation works were already published, to be able to extract and unveil hidden truths.


As I’ve been saying all along, the contributions of Malays to the Teaching (‘God’s Word, higher mysteries) are found more in their folklores rather than their scriptures. Malayan scriptures are Islamic, Buddhist, and Christian, or impositions from outside. Folklores are originally their creative production, and are repositories of High Knowledge and wisdom. Such a thesis is exemplified by the Tagalog creation myth.


[Philippines, 22 May 2010]





Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra


Magandang araw! Good day! Buenos dias!


This time around, I’ll share to you the cosmic-galactic facet of the Tagalog creation myth. As I’ve already elaborated elsewhere, the Malays (of whom Tagalogs form a part of) were created by a cross-galactic race (light-skinned) from out of the Lemurian descendants (dark-skinned), thus producing a tanned race that was lighter than the Lemurians.


Being a new breed then of Pacificians (from the Pacific Ocean), the Malays belonged squarely to the last races of the Atlantean ‘root race’ (see H.P. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine). They were bred almost at the same time as the White race that was a hybrid of light-skinned cross-galactic humans and the red-skinned Atlanteans.


To go back to the Tagalog creation myth, let me quote from a previous article: “The myth goes that there was once a bamboo floating listlessly by the oceans. The bamboo finally ceased to float as it landed on a coast in the Philippines. As it did so, a white dove flying above descended on the bamboo and pecked it accordingly. The bamboo then split, and out came Malakas and Maganda. The Filipinos are their descendants.” (See “Tagalog Creation Myth: Science of Birthing Revealed.”)


That being the synopsis of the mythos, let me re-stress that it is a coded message about the birthing of the Tagalogs/Malays. This time, the cosmic-galactic facet will be taken as the paradigm base. Let me take up the signifiers (code items) one by one:


  • Ocean/sea mystically refers to the unconscious or ‘causal plane’ element. That was where the ‘bamboo’ came from, to note. It means the awareness level of the Malays and their breeders corresponded to that level (7th Density at least) before the descent of humanity to its low 3rd Density level today.


  • Ocean also indicates the mass inundation of the Earth after the end of the glacial period. The last of Lemuria’s subcontinents sank across time as the ice caps melted and elevated the seawaters to much higher levels.


  • The ‘bamboo’ is referent for DNA as a whole, which is almost similar with the previous interpretation. This time though, note that DNA in the higher dimension is different, as it has more strands (12) than biological DNA (2).


  • Inside the bamboo are the two prospect gender, male and female. The Yin and Yang. Duality in One. Indeed, even the soul of a human has both masculine and feminine elements. So is the DNA, whether higher or lower dimension type.


  • Bamboo floating in the ocean/seas also signifies the attempts by the survivors of the post-glacial deluge to survive via floaters. Much like Noah’s floater. Noah was in fact of Lemurian roots, and produced a branch of tribes that would settle later in Western Asia. The same floaters brought survivors to lands that emerged after the floods receded, lands in the Pacific Ocean (including the Philippines).


  • From the ocean/seas, it landed in the coast. Soil signifies matter, as well as the maternal element (matter is Latin ‘mater’ or mother). It also signifies the physical plane, with the element of solidity (earth element) is dominantly marked.


  • A dove, white in hue, signifies the Galactic humans and their space vehicle. The myth reveals that the same Galactic breeders experimented on a new race. Quite observably, the same breeders or ‘creators’ used the species of humans already present then, who birthed through sexual procreation means (male and female in sexual intercourse). The earlier Lemurians were oviparous (egg-laying), while the latter were sexual in pro-creation.


  • The dove landed on the shores, as one can see. This means the Galactic creators, who came from the Air above (air is 6th Density or mental plane), had to descend to a lower dimension to be able to breed the Malays. Terrans were originally 5th Density in habitat, so it makes sense that the light-hued creators had to descend at least one Density lower from their domain.


  • The dove pecked the bamboo. This could mean that the creator race was also sexual in breeding or sort of, and it is possible that they actually pro-created with the Lemurian descendants. Otherwise, the new breed could have been created through laboratory means, which could also be possible.


  • Malakas and Maganda came out of the bamboo. Obviously, two (2) genders were involved as products of the breeding. And both of the genders were involved in birthing the ancient Tagalogs/Malays, who would later be among the chief tribes of the Filipino nation.


The Lemurians could have exercised gender equality, as indicated by the mythos. From the Lemurian descendants to the proto-Malays, the same cultural trait was disseminated. When the Moslems and Spaniards arrived in the islands, they discovered the prevalence of such a sociocultural trait among the islanders.


In closing, let me re-echo a thesis declared in a previous article: “As I’ve been saying all along, the contributions of Malays to the Teaching (‘God’s Word, higher mysteries) are found more in their folklores rather than their scriptures. Malayan scriptures are Islamic, Buddhist, and Christian, or impositions from outside. Folklores are originally their creative production, and are repositories of High Knowledge and wisdom. Such a thesis is exemplified by the Tagalog creation myth.” (See “Tagalog Creation Myth: Science of Birthing Revealed.”)


[Philippines, 23 May 2010]



Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Gracious day to thee!

In our reflections on divine wisdom, let us augment our understanding of the emergence of the principles of nature. To stress a bit, the principles of nature preceded the materialization of nature, going by the laws of evolution and progressive movement.

Among the Western scientists, Swedenborg came closest to intuiting on the same higher principles. A Brother of Light who embodied in Europe, Swedenborg received a lot of accolades from the scientific community during his active years. Bits and pieces of the larger jigsaw of the principles of nature were also intuited by modern thinkers, though none come closest to capturing the same principles in its totality.

The Perfected Ones said of the principles, in Sloka 4 of Stanza 5, Book of Dzyan, through the following cogitation:


HPBlavatsky, noble chela of the mahatmas & chohans, substantiated the same sloka in her commentaries, Volume I, Secret Doctrine, to note:

(a) This tracing of “Spiral lines” refers to the evolution of man’s as well as Nature’s principles; an evolution which takes place gradually (as will be seen in Book II., on “The origin of the Human Races”), as does everything else in nature. The Sixth principle in Man (Buddhi, the Divine Soul) though a mere breath, in our conceptions, is still something material when compared with divine “Spirit” (Atma) of which it is the carrier or vehicle. Fohat, in his capacity of DIVINE LOVE (Eros), the electric Power of affinity and sympathy, is shown allegorically as trying to bring the pure Spirit, the Ray inseparable from the ONE absolute, into union with the Soul, the two constituting in Man the MONAD, and in Nature the first link between the ever unconditioned and the manifested. “The first is now the second” (world)—of the Lipikas—has reference to the same.

(b) The “Army” at each angle is the Host of angelic Beings (Dhyan-Chohans) appointed to guide and watch over each respective region from the beginning to the end of Manvantara. They are the “Mystic Watchers” of the Christian Kabalists and Alchemists, and relate, symbolically as well as cosmogonically, to the numerical system of the Universe. The numbers with which these celestial Beings are connected are extremely difficult to explain, as each number refers to several groups of distinct ideas, according to the particular group of “Angels “ which it is intended to represent. Herein lies the nodus in the study of symbology, with which, unable to untie by disentangling it, so many scholars have preferred dealing as Alexander dealt with the Gordian knot; hence erroneous conceptions and teachings, as a direct result.
The “First is the Second,” because the “First” cannot really be numbered or regarded as the First, as that is the realm of noumena in its primary manifestation: the threshold to the World of Truth, or SAT, through which the direct energy that radiates from the ONE REALITY—the Nameless Deity—reaches us. Here again, the untranslateable term SAT (Be-ness) is likely to lead into an erroneous conception, since that which is manifested cannot be SAT, but is something phenomenal, not everlasting, nor, in truth, even sempiternal. It is coeval and
coexistent with the One Life, “Secondless,” but as a manifestation it is still a Maya—like the rest. This “World of Truth” can be described only in the words of the Commentary as “A bright star dropped from the heart of Eternity; the beacon of hope on whose Seven Rays hang the Seven Worlds of Being.” Truly so; since those are the Seven Lights whose reflections are the human immortal Monads—the Atma, or the irradiating Spirit of every creature of the human family. First, this septenary Light; then:—

(c) The “Divine World”—the countless Lights lit at the primeval Light—the Buddhis, or formless divine Souls, of the last Arupa (formless) world; the “Sum Total,” in the mysterious language of the old Stanza. In the Catechism, the Master is made to ask the pupil:—
“Lift thy head, oh Lanoo; dost thou see one, or countless lights above thee, burning in the dark midnight sky?”
“I sense one Flame, oh Gurudeva, I see countless undetached sparks shining in it.”
“Thou sayest well. And now look around and into thyself. That light which burns inside thee, dost thou feel it different in anywise from the light that shines in thy Brother-men?”
“It is in no way different, though the prisoner is held in bondage by Karma, and though its outer garments delude the ignorant into saying, ‘Thy Soul and My Soul.’ ”
The radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of compounds in Nature—from Star to mineral Atom, from the highest Dhyan Chohan to the smallest infusoria, in the fullest acceptation of the term, and whether applied to the spiritual, intellectual, or physical worlds—this is the one fundamental law in Occult Science. “The Deity is boundless and infinite expansion,” says an Occult axiom; and hence, as remarked, the name of Brahmâ.* There is a deep philosophy underlying the earliest worship in the world, that of the Sun and of Fire. Of all the Elements known to physical science, Fire is the one that has ever eluded definite analysis. It is confidently asserted that Air is a mixture containing the gases Oxygen and Nitrogen. We view the Universe and the Earth as matter composed of definite chemical molecules. We speak of the primitive ten Earths, endowing each with a Greek or Latin name. We say that water is, chemically, a compound of Oxygen and Hydrogen. But what is FIRE? It is the effect of combustion, we are gravely answered. It is heat and light and motion, and a correlation of physical and chemical forces in general. And this scientific definition is philosophically supplemented by the theological one in Webster’s Dictionary, which explains fire as “the instrument of punishment, or the punishment of the impenitent in another state”—the “state,” by the bye, being supposed to be spiritual; but, alas! the presence of fire would seem to be a convincing proof of its material nature. Yet, speaking of the illusion of regarding phenomena as simple, because they are familiar, Professor Bain says (Logic. Part II.): “Very familiar facts seem to stand in no need of explanation themselves and to be the means of explaining whatever can be assimilated to them. Thus, the boiling and evaporation of a liquid is supposed to be a very simple phenomenon requiring no explanation, and a satisfactory explanation of rarer phenomena. That water should dry up is, to the uninstructed mind, a thing wholly intelligible; whereas to the man acquainted with physical science the liquid state is anomalous and inexplicable. The lighting of a fire by a flame is a GREAT SCIENTIFIC DIFFICULTY, yet few people think so” (p. 125).
What says the esoteric teaching with regard to fire? “Fire,” it says, “is the most perfect and unadulterated reflection, in Heaven as on Earth, of the ONE FLAME. It is Life and Death, the origin and the end of every material thing. It is divine ‘SUBSTANCE.’” Thus, not only the FIRE-WORSHIPPER, the Parsee, but even the wandering savage tribes of America, which proclaim themselves “born of fire,” show more science in their creeds and truth in their superstitions, than all the speculations of modern physics and learning. The Christian who says: “God is a living Fire,” and speaks of the Pentecostal “Tongues of Fire” and of the “burning bush” of Moses, is as much a fire-worshipper as any other “heathen.” The Rosicrucians, among all the mystics and Kabalists, were those who defined Fire in the right and most correct way. Procure a sixpenny lamp, keep it only supplied with oil, and you will be able to light at its flame the lamps, candles,
and fires of the whole globe without diminishing that flame. If the Deity, the radical One, is eternal and an infinite substance (“the Lord thy God is a consuming fire”) and never consumed, then it does not seem reasonable that the Occult teaching should be held as unphilosophical when it says: “Thus were the Arupa and Rupa worlds formed: from ONE light seven lights; from each of the seven, seven times seven,” etc., etc.

[Philippines, 24 March 2012]



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Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Human trafficking can make or break a country that is known the seat of human traffic operations. So abhorrent is the phenomenon of human traffic and smuggling that any country named as seat of operations will need to work harder to shore up its tainted image, craft public policy to address the ailment, and strengthen institutions that can address the problem.

So gargantuan is the ailment of human traffic today as it has become globalized, with mafia groups collaborating across borders to smuggle people outside. Not only that, smuggled humans are also utilized to smuggle gold, treasures, and drugs, thus multiplying the complications to the problem.

Capacity-building initiatives aimed at training stakeholders, both grassroots and country-wide volunteer organizations, is another key result area for addressing the problem directly. Below is one such showcase training in Africa conducted by the IOM and partners.

[Philippines, 24 August 2011]


IOM Provides Somaliland, Puntland and Djibouti Coastguards with Lifesaving Rescue at Sea Skills to Protect Vulnerable Migrants


Djibouti – Coastguards from Somalia’s Puntland, Somaliland as well as Djibouti are taking part in an innovative IOM training programme to equip them with the necessary skills to assist and protect irregular migrants and asylum-seekers travelling at great risk through Somaliland, Puntland and Djibouti en route to Yemen and the Gulf States.
The six-day workshop, which opened yesterday in Djibouti City, brings together 50 coastguards as part of a Japanese-funded initiative to equip them with the necessary equipment and skills to assist and protect vulnerable migrants, trafficking victims and smuggled migrants.
“This training is critical to enhance the coastguards’ ability to save lives,” says IOM’s Mixed Migration Coordinator Husham Halim. “We are particularly encouraged to see that for the first time, coastguards from Somaliland are taking part in the training alongside colleagues from Puntland and Djibouti. This will no doubt increase their ability to respond at a sub-regional level.”
These workshops are part of a broader IOM programme to strengthen the protection of, and emergency assistance to, irregular migrants and asylum-seekers from Somalia and Ethiopia travelling through the region.
Every year, tens of thousands, mainly Ethiopian and Somali migrants and asylum-seekers, make the hazardous journey from their place of origin across the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden to Yemen and beyond. These individuals, driven by political unrest and extreme poverty face not only dangers at sea but also physical risks, harassment and discrimination during their journey on land.
For more information, please contact:
Husham Halim
IOM Djibouti
Tel: +253 35 72 89

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Erle Frayne D. Argonza

The famine that is now taking shape in the Horn of Africa is the subject of news features in canned Big Media outfits today. The alarm bells raised by international organizations regarding the matter have been quite successful in rapidly surfacing the malady before the public mind via sensationalized media reports.

As already noted earlier, 11 millions of folks are forecast to face starvation in the short-run largely due to drought. The congestion of migrants in resource-rich areas is complicating the issue, by depletion and competition for resources, thus deteriorating such regions into hovels of famine, hunger, diseases, and deaths.

Below is a report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on the same subject.

[Philippines, 22 August 2011]


Drought Related Migration on the Increase in the Horn of Africa
Posted on Tuesday, 19-07-2011

Horn of Africa – The severe drought which is affecting vast areas of Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti is leading to a considerable increase in complex, multi-directional migration flows, both within and across international borders, according to IOM missions in the region.
Those population movements involve not only refugees and asylum seekers but large numbers of migrants and pastoralists who have little choice but to move along numerous complex migration routes, initially from rural to urban areas and for many tens of thousands, across international borders to neighbouring countries.
Although information on many of these routes remains sketchy, increased population movements have been observed from drought affected areas in southern and central Somalia towards the capital Mogadishu, where heavy rains over the past few days have wrecked havoc among vulnerable displaced persons.
Displaced Somalis are also moving along perilous land routes from impoverished rural areas towards Somaliland and the self declared autonomous state of Puntland. Others continue their journey towards neighbouring Djibouti and across the treacherous Bab el Mandeb (Gate of Grief in Arabic) to Yemen and the Gulf States.
Recent reports in the Sudanese press of Somalis drowning in the Red Sea south of the city of Port Sudan could indicate the establishment of a new hazardous migration route from Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia to Sudan’s Red Sea State and then onto Saudi Arabia.
The situation in drought-affected regions of Somalia has led to a major increase of people seeking assistance in Ethiopia and Kenya, with some 50,000 new arrivals reported in June. Over the past three weeks, some 11,000 people have arrived in Ethiopia and more than 8,600 in Kenya, with daily arrivals now averaging 2,000 in Ethiopia and 1,200 in Kenya.
In Ethiopia, where the drought directly affects an estimated 4.5 million people, pastoralist communities are particularly in need of assistance because of the weakening or the death of their livestock. Their cross border movements in search of water and pasture for their livestock are creating a higher risk for resource-based conflict and further displacement, particularly in the drought-affected Northern Kenyan districts of Turkana, Wajir and Mandera, where Global Acute Malnutrition now exceeds 30 per cent among children, pregnant and lactating women.
The situation in Ethiopia is further complicated by the return of Ethiopian migrants from Yemen, where evacuation operations started in November 2010 resulted in the return of thousands of individuals to date. Major return areas are Oromiya, Tigray, and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) and Amhara regions, which are experiencing drought, crop failure and a dramatic increase in food and fuel prices.
The impact of these returns to resource-constrained communities has not yet been fully assessed, but it can be estimated that about 30 per cent returned to drought affected areas.
“Drought related migration is exacerbating an already complex situation of displacement and movement, triggered by conflict and instability and the returns of many Ethiopians and Somalis from Yemen,” says IOM’s Director of Operations and Emergencies Mohammed Abdiker. “Drought recognises no borders. The response to the current crisis has to take into account internal and cross border mobility as a survival strategy for large populations.”
IOM and UN partners have been working with governments in the Horn and East Africa to facilitate safe movement of pastoralists across border regions as a climate change coping mechanism.
The Security in Mobility (SIM) initiative called on regional governments to develop a policy to facilitate the safe movement of pastoralists within their countries and across borders using a collaborative approach that encompasses provision of humanitarian assistance, provision of basic services, facilitated migration and comprehensive security initiatives.
“Of all the key mitigation and coping mechanisms, mobility stands out as the most essential for pastoralists,” says IOM’s Abdiker. “No country in the region can singlehandedly tackle the complex challenges of climate change and migration. A concerted regional effort is therefore urgently needed.”
For more information, please contact:
Mohammed Abdiker
IOM Geneva
Tel: +41 22 717 93 79
Jean-Philippe Chauzy
IOM Geneva
Tel: +41 22 717 93 61

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Bro. Erle Frayne Argonza

[Writ 04 April 2008, Quezon City, MetroManila]

Good day, Fellows!

This primate city, my beloved Manila, was dubbed as the Pearl of the Orient before the 2nd World War. Reading through accounts of the city during the late President Quezon’s time, and viewing pictures of it during those halcyon days, one’s jaw would surely drop at this jewel of the orient.

I was never that lucky to have witnessed that great past. But I’m lucky enough to bear witness to Manila’s unfolding into a gigantic over-developed metropolis that it is today, which had since expanded into a ‘greater Manila area’ comprising of 17 cities and towns. And it is still growing into a megapolis.

It was simply too tragic a thing that the Philippines, like its sibling nations in Asia, got entangled in a war that was not its own. That catastrophic event fated Manila to be flattened back to the Stone Age by ceaseless carpet bombings, rendering the once jewel city into an apocalyptic wasteland that was 2nd in devastation only to Warsaw.

The city had grown after the war, with the execution of a master plan for a greater Manila that defined development expansions on through the outlying lands. It became the hub of the industrialization efforts started by the Roxas regime, gave birth to a new city called Quezon City (as envisioned by the late president Manuel Quezon) that was to be the administrative and educational center, housed the financial center that was to be Makati, and out came forth every commercial activity without let up across the decades.

True, just like the rest of the primate cities of Asia, Manila attracted vast hordes of migrants from the rural areas. Squatting, pollution, traffic jams, flooding during rainy days, and population congestion calcified as its chief problems. By the 1990s Manila was all but a picture of apocalyptic urban decay, no different from what it was in 1945 after the end of World War II.

That situation had since changed. Manila had surely jettisoned off to the ‘overdeveloped’ or 1st world status. New arterial boulevards have arisen, 17 key mix land-use commercial hubs grew as its model areas, floods have been put under control, light rail systems are rising rapidly around it, and many former polluting industries were disseminated to other regions.

Today Manila is a gigantic metropolis and is fast moving to become a megalopolitan hub or ‘megapolis’. It produces 1/3 of the gross domestic product or GDP and has sufficient resources to build its own ambitious infrastructure projects including international airports. Being so awash with funds, it had been compassionately donating aid to calamity-devastated cities and towns that are less fortunate (i.e. 3rd world communities).

It had also arisen as the fashion and shopping capital of Asia, an esteem that used to be bestowed only on Hong Kong and Tokyo. It boasts of huge shopping malls, most of which are of wonderful architectural designs. Underlying this cultural landscape is the multi-cultural template of a postmodern city, which makes it a natural attractor of culture producers and cosmopolitan bohemians from many parts of the globe.

Now that it had risen to its present state, Manila, this time grown to a megapolis in size and influence, is fast regaining its ‘pearl of the orient’ image of a foregone era. And most likely this image can be surpassed in the coming years and decades ahead.