
Dreams, Optimism, Wisdom



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Guru Ra
30 September 2011

Kabanal-banalang araw sa inyo! Most sacred day to you all!

Just 64 weeks remain prior to the Earth’s planetary ascension and birthing of the New Earth. Shamballah just released another blast of Integrative Energy to aid Aspirants in integrating the disparate vibratory frequencies permeating their respective psyche and aura, which is good news for the future leaders of the New Earth (advance Aspirants).

Meantime, as an update, let me pronounce that new mystics are now emerging from among the chelas (disciples) of the 300 Great Masters/Avatars and 144,000 Rishis (White Robes). Couples of thousands of Rishis have already ascended in full (departed from the surface) since May of 2010 yet when the White Robes’ ascension began. The generation of new Mystics is truly gladdening, as upon the complete ascension of all 144,000 Rishis on 12/21/12, the new mystics will ascend to Masterhood and become the new Teachers on the surface of the New Earth.

As to the 300 Great Masters/Avatars who embodied down here earlier than us Rishis (this Brother of the White Lodge is among the 144,000), and who served as our (Rishis’) teachers, too many have departed already. Be glad to know that the soul-fragment of Jesus, who embodied in the Middle East, is still around to serve as mahavatar anchorage in aid of advancing the Work and, rest assured, is reaching out silently to the Christian leadership there. All the Divine 300 will be out of the surface by late next year, fully ascended for added emphasis.

As to how many chelas—who are now Mystics—will ascend to ‘master of wisdom’ by 12/21/12, the Hierarchy shall keep mum about the exact numbers. Suffice me to pronounce that the head count is large, as they beef up the Work to spread the Light in the private sphere and assure more Service-For-Others will make it to the New Earth by late next year.

I did my own volunteer tasks of aiding some Aspirants to move quickly into their Mystic awareness, through counsel, process facilitation, and healing done on them during meet-ups in the Etheric plane. One of them, Sister Amba, just graduated to that Mystic level, which surely glowed my heart and those of my fellow Rishis/Melchizedeks who aided her. Sister Amba and her fellow new Melchizedek mystics can now move on to doing Teacher tasks, as the Light from the Great Central Sun protects them and multiplies the power of their Inner Light, ensuring them wisdom as well in intuiting on higher truths as they do their tasks.

I still recall a young seeker (male) ask me a year ago, “Sir, if all of you 144,000 White Robes will be gone from the surface by 12/21/12, who will be left behind to help us?” I candidly told him that “we have replacements, as many of the chelas we mentor will become Mystics soon, and they’d be the teachers and leaders post-2012.” That was just last year by the way, and a year later, at this juncture, thousands of new mystics have been produced, ensuring reserves of new White Robes.

By the way, the new Mystics are those who moved to that level from among the advanced-level seekers. There are now seekers who are in the intermediate-level of their initiation, and who will, by 12/21/2012, become new Mystics while the new mystics of today become Masters. How many intermediate-level seekers will mutate to Mystic awareness late next year? I will leave that up to the Aspirants to configure and intuit upon. They too will join the coteries of new leaders of the New Earth.

So, with new mystics arising pre-2012, the Balance of Forces have all the more clearly turned in favor of the Light Forces. Hundreds of thousands of Evil Masters or ‘dark Chohans’ were already arrested by Lord Gabriel’s Forces since last year when the arrests & seizures commenced, giving the Light Masters a clear qualitative edge in the physical & astral planes of Earth as of this writing. I already shared a heraldry last year yet about the ongoing arrest of the Evil Masters (I was made witness to the start of the arrests & seizures), which corroborates the proclamation of JJHurtak (chela of Lord Metatron) made in the late ‘70s yet regarding the arrests and banishments of Evil Masters at the ‘end of times’ (pre-2012).

For the Terrans who are now eager to cross over to the New Earth, be glad to know that the new mystics are among you. They (mystics) are true harbingers of Light who will continue the Work till more Terrans will be liberated from chains of rebirths and miseries. They join the champions for the spiritual Hierarchy on Earth and the Solar System.


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LAW OF MOTION September 29, 2011


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang araw! Good day!

I’m sure everybody else who reached up to secondary education, from simpleton to erudite, were taught the subjects of physics, chemistry, and physical education or equivalent. Motion is paramount in comprehending the behavior of humans, objects, atoms and sub-atomic particles, celestial bodies, galaxies, and more.

Those who moved up a bit to immerse in college education was surely taught classical mechanics, and the name of Sir Isaac Newton rings a strong bell in elementary physics. There were also Copernicus, Galileo, and related scientific luminaries who were taken up with more detail then in secondary school.

The said luminaries plus Da Vinci, Roger Bacon, Erasmus, Des Cartes, Francis Bacon to name a few, were on errands from the spiritual Brotherhood. The errand that holds them in common was the institutionalization of the foundations of modern science. May we add that they all were concerned with the subject matter of the Law of Motion and the proper modeling of reality based on this cosmic law.

In my workshop on mysticism in 1994, the Guru Felix Fojas contended in the workshop manual distributed to us Initiates (of the White Lodge) the following (to quote him):

Everything in existence contains atoms that move or vibrate at a specific rate. This holds true from the physical to the spiritual planes or dimensions. Physical atoms move in a straight line. Astral atoms travel in a curved line. Mental atoms move in a zigzag pattern. Spiritual atoms travel in a spiral.

Des Cartes was the prime initiator in modeling of motion along straight line. The nearest distance between two points is a straight line, says a contention that traces back to Euclid (another Adept who embodied here to do errands for the masters). The Euclidian-Cartesian paradigm became the basis for understanding motion, inclusive of the movement of history or ‘evolution’, in modernity.

Even the Western theory of evolution is largely a lineal theory. In Herbert Spenser’s (most influential evolutionist thinker) discourse, society evolved from ‘militant’ to ‘industrial’ stages, based on the movement of life forms from simple to complex. Darwin applied the same linear, Euclidian-Cartesian principle, as biological forms accordingly evolved from the most simple (microbiotic such as uni-celled species) to the most complex (humanity).

Morgan, Frazer, and Tylor, foundational anthropologists, also theorized in like vein: that cultures evolved from Savagery (hunting/foraging) to Barbarism (pastoral, horticulture), and finally to Civilization (writing tradition, age of metals, and onwards to industrialism). Notice the same linear, Euclidian-Cartesian logic behind their theory of culture.

The deconstruction of the linear, Euclidian-Cartesian discourse resulted to echoes of new discourses. The founders of quantum theory and relativity theory were largely motivated by citing the limits to linear logic, and proposing the alternative non-linear motion. Accordingly, the nearest distance between two points is a curve, and that deconstructionist logic is fundamental to cosmology, to description and explication of motion in space.

Albert Einstein, a chela of the masters, was permitted to reveal to the world certain facets of the curvi-linear patterns of motion. Silently, Einstein studied the works of the masters and turned out to be a relatively balanced thinker within the social world of intellectuals (scientists, philosphers) where ego-mania and/or toxic narcissism prevail. Einstein did well, and had since ascended decades after his physical exit.

Highly advanced Initiates, e.g. Annie Besant, utilized their higher faculties to observe and substantiate the subsidiary theses about the motion of mental atoms and spiritual atoms. To a certain extent, Hegel was able to intuit upon the spiral motion of reality, but its substantiation and at what domains spiral motion operated were largely credited to the master-Adepts of the Brotherhood.

The modern Adepts also observed the form-shapes of atoms, whose looks are much different from the way physical scientists modeled them (see A. Besant’s works on the sciences). In the process, the adepts discovered that as one moves from a more dense to a less dense plane or dimension, the atoms also tended to be more spaced apart from each other. That explains why astral beings, e.g ghosts or elementaries, can penetrate physical barriers with ease as the atoms of their bodies are more spaced apart.

[Philippines, 10 September 2011]

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COSMIC LAWS September 25, 2011


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Good day from this Brother in the spiritual Brotherhood/Great White Lodge!

I have already discussed the matter of cosmic laws in many of my writings. In the metaphysical, integrated spiritual-material facet of life, the said laws are also known as the metaphysical laws. Let me share more notes about the matter, then discuss each of the identifiable cosmic laws released by the mahatmas of the Brotherhood.

Laws are of paramount importance in describing and explaining reality and/or phenomena. They operate at different levels—in both the objective and subjective realms of life. A third domain known to social scientists is the intersubjective domain: the realm of shared subjectivies.

From the most macrocosmic down to the minutest microcosmic realms, the cosmic laws are in operation. Those that were discovered by the scientists—behavioral/social, physical, biological, medical scientists—are largely referred to as ‘universal laws’. That scientists and epistemologists were able to intuit on and establish proof of the operation of such laws is evidence enough of the operation of a more transcendental sets of laws called ‘cosmic laws’.

What the mahatmas were contending was that knowledge of the spiritual realms can be apperceived and explicated largely through cosmic laws, or thru those broad patterns that govern phenomena. Such patterns facilitate the explication of the chains of cause and effect from the macrocosmic to the microcosmic realms.

Echoing a contention that parallels Immanuel Kant’s, the mahatmas cogitated that we can only know the ultimate reality through its expression as phenomena. As to the ultimate cause, the ultimate reality, the prima causa, the noumenon, we admit from a humble position our limitation of knowing—from perceiving through conceptualization through explication and consequential practice.

In a much previous, archaic expression, the Master-Adept Plato declared that knowledge corresponds to the real while absence of knowledge is to the unreal. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were all high-caliber Master-Adepts who were knowledgeable first hand about the cosmic laws but were inhibited from revealing them to the open public as part of the spiritual Hierarchy’s proscriptions, so they only revealed high knowledge of the laws through subdued and coded discourses.

The great masters/mahavatars Rama, Sri Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Jesus Christ (including Paul/Saul), and onwards to the great masters of the 19th century knew and mastered the cosmic laws. And they taught such laws to their own disciples who were their direct Initiates and bearers of the Torch of liberation. But they all kept mum about the laws to the public, as the time hasn’t come yet for the laws’ revelation.

As the Kali Yuga or Dark Age of our present grand cycle (of nearly 26,000 years) is ending, and as the mental & causal bodies of contemporary Terrans have immeasurably mutated, it was decided by the spiritual Hierarchy to release Theos Sophia or divine wisdom to the open public. Cosmic laws are at the core of divine wisdom, so the same laws that were then taught only to the elect Initiates must now be opened up to the broad population.

As mental & causal bodies mutate, the capacity for absorption, processing, and ideation had also risen among the Terrans. The laws were thus first introduced via scientist & epistemologist embodiments of ascended masters, e.g. Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, Newton, Copernicus, Galileo. The grounds were thus prepared for the more expansive release of the cosmic laws, so by the late 19th century the comprehensive set of laws were finally released.

Modern man (root word manu or thinking being) has become accustomed to reflecting on ‘universal laws’ by the 19th century, so the context was ripe for releasing the broader set of cosmic laws. Universal laws were to find manifestations as physical laws, chemical laws, biological laws, social/behavioral laws, and found practical manifestations as know-how (technology).

Then came the mahatmas such as Mahatma Kooth Hoomi whom the Hierarchy ensured to be university bred in order to get accustomed to the systems and languages of discourse. Nestled high in the Himalayas, the mahatmas thus found the milieu most conducive for consolidating the divine wisdom permissible for release, and where they had discussed and passed on the wisdom to their chelas.

[Philippines, 07 September 2011]
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Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Gracious day to all ye Aspirants to the Path!

The cycles of life, taken from a very macrocosmic vantage point, are truly recondite realities. The human mind is simply too finite to comprehend them, yet they can be apperceived.

Great teachers from antiquity to the present have shared notes about the cycles of lifewave to their disciples, so this facet of Theos Sophia or divine wisdom is one that has been openly known yet few can comprehend it. Let us reflect on it, with focus on the most astronomical of cycles: Maha-Kalpa and its subsidiaries of 100 Days & Nights of Brahma or Manvantara.

In ancient Vedic and Tibetan wisdom texts, it was already contended and explicated that a great cycle of Kalpa proceeds as part of unfolding of life. Each Kalpa is then subdivided into 7 manvantara. On an even greater scale, the unfolding of Kosmos onwards to the emanations of objective worlds and sentient beings, and then back to the dissolution phase and into a ‘deep sleep’ , is called Maha-Kalpa, a cycle of 100 Days & Nights of Brahma.

Kosmos is a being unto itself that is an effect of a larger or primary cause. That primary cause is the One Universal Principle—omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent—known to the folks as Supreme Deity. The Supreme Deity doesn’t sleep at all, while the emanations and dissolutions of the Kosmos from out of the inbreaths and outbreaths of the former has been going on for an infinite period.

Incomprehensible to us is the Day & Night of Brahma—the inbreath and outbreath of supreme deity—so no one can answer when all of the process started. Suffice as to treat is as postulate that such is how Kosmos, with its two synergistic aspects of objective and subjective universes, came to being and dissolved later.

Brahma is the deity of the physical universe, and so it is unto Him-Her that eastern philosophers (masters, Perfected Ones) have associated in antiquity the inbreaths and outbreaths of supreme deity. The totality of inbreath and outbreath is called maha-kalpa. The Kosmos emerges when the out-breath takes place, while it dissolves when the in-breath ensues. Each in-breath & out-breath is manvantara, while the dissolution is termed pralaya.

To be able to imagine the entire manvantara, one has to learn to meditate and set a track record of meditation practice. After over a decade of practice, one would notice that in-breath will no longer be pure air but energy called chi or prana. Often than not, an in-breath is shorter than an out-breath.

In the overall scheme of things, the length of out-breath exceeding that of in-breath is largely relative. Yet it could indeed be such, that in-breath is shorter. During the pralaya, the dissolution phase, many Dark Chohans take advantage of the situation and prey helplessly upon those who will fail to reach the nirvana state.

So there must be a quickening, so as to avoid the numbers of sentient beings that can be sucked into the destructive vortices of the energies of Dark Chohans. Such dark beings and many other disintegrative or failed evolutions will be destroyed in the nothingness of cosmic decay, while the essence of the One Universal Principle will be re-integrated back to supreme deity minus the souls or identities of the failed evolutes.

From the beginning of the manvantara to the terminal phase of pralaya, nothing will be lost in the Light-essence of supreme deity. Those beings that will be able to make it, those that attain super-human states, will have a chance to be re-awakened in the next manvantara.

[Philippines, 04 September 2011]


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Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Magandang araw mula sa Fellow ng Kapatirang Ispiritual! Good Day from a Fellow of the Spiritual Brotherhood!

In a previous article, this Adept of the Brotherhood articulated about the Lords of the Flame as led by Sanat Kumara who is Terra’s planetary Logos. Let me expound more on the subject of spiritual hierarchy for Earth by sharing the identities of other hierarchs who report to the Lord Sanat Kumara as their logos.

• Lord Mahachohan represents the wisdom aspect of the One Universal Principle (God/Almighty) on Terra. A Great Teacher who is mentor unto ascended masters.

• Christ is the manifestation of the Love aspect of the One Universal Principle on Terra.

• Buddha represents the Will aspect of the One Universal Principle on Terra.

• Manu, leader of the present 5th root race of humans, who directs the evolution of humanity at present. Known in vedic scripts as Vaivasvata Manu.

• Lords of Karma, also known as Lipikas in the East, the Recording Angels. They are mandated to dispense with justice matters appertaining to karmas of souls on Earth. They are aided by the Seven Mighty Archangels, namely: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Seathiel, Baraquiel, Uriel and Judiel.

Certain polarized minds see only the male side to the hierarchs sited. Let that be the problem of those with polarized mindsets and schizoid personalities. As I mentioned in the previous article, no one imposes spiritual hierarchs on anyone as we were endowed with the free will and devotion to attune to the spiritual hierarchy and evolve spiritually through painstaking attainment and practice of the practical aspects of Divine Wisdom.

The hierarchs have long achieved their own perfection as they have integrated both Yin and Yang elements within them. Each one of them represents the masculine facet of the larger whole that comprises their respective Twinflames who likewise have attained perfection too long ago. All the hierarchs have attained full union their respective twinflames and are androgynous.

As already mentioned, it is from the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth that the Divine Plan was elicited. The Divine Plan for Terra was crafted thanks to Lord Sanat Kumara, it has been implemented, and will ensue in implementation up through the end of the Maha-Kalpa or great cycle of lifewave comprising of 100 Days & Nights of Brahma. All directives about what will be done for Terra shall come from them alone.

There is protocol to follow whenever some divine beings outside of Terra would wish to share some thoughts about what can be done for Terra. If intervention by certain lower dimension beings from other star systems will be approved at a certain juncture on Terra, it will be approved with the imprimatur of the Lord Ancient of Days.

After 2012, Terra’s lowest plane will be fully re-taken by the spiritual hierarchy. An avatar will be mandated to pursue governance tasks down here, aided by guardians who are ascended master (Christed Ones) in awareness. The Evil Adepts down here will be arrested and transferred to their negative planet (a Kama Loka or hell planet), as the wise governance of the spiritual hierarchy will be established.

[Philippines, 01 September 2011]

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Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Magandang hapon! Good afternoon!

In case that starseeds—those souls who arrived recently and have lived few lives on Earth—may not be aware of it, Earth has a spiritual hierarchy. The knowledge of this hierarchy should likewise be known to the old-timer Terrans. No one imposes this hierarchy on anyone, it is free will and devotion that ought to get one to attune to the spiritual hierarchs of Earth.

As already mentioned, mahatmas identified over 1,000,000 habitable planets in the very ancient times across the physical universe. While cooling at rather slower rate then other planets, Earth just the same was able to develop life support system, sufficient to evolve sentient beings here. This was part of the core knowledge of Theos Sophia or divine wisdom handed to us by the mahatmas of the East who comprise a part of the Elders of Light of the planet.

It was upon the shoulders of the Lord Ancient of Days, known in Bharata (India) as Sanat Kumara, that the duties for spiritual guardianship of Earth fell. Let it be stressed that the Solar system and its constituent planets had spiritual hierarchs assigned to them, a team of creator deities all. As unto the Sun and the planets, so was it unto Earth.

Sanat Kumara, also known as Lord of Sixteen Summers, came to Earth originally with a team of seven (7) Kumaras in all including himself. As it is known to us mystics, he transited to Terra via Venus, and let it be stressed that Lady Venus is his beloved Twinflame. The seven includes Sanat Kumara himself, and (3) three of the seven (7) have since left back for Venus.

Being thus mandated the Planetary Logos post, Sanat Kumara optimizes the work with three (3) deputies to assist in his ministration of Earth, namely: (a) Sanaka, the Lesser Ancient; (b) Sanatana, the Eternal; and, (c) Sanandana, or Full of Rejoicing. Altogether, the deities of Earth are called the Lords of the Flames.

The Lords of the Flames arrived on Earth circa 16,000,000 years ago yet. They reside in the mystical, eternal city of Shamballah, which is located in the etheric plane. That spot is roughly in the Gobi desert, but is of no desert environ in its plane. A city of the Divine, only the most evolved souls inhabit it, while advancing souls from the physical plane are allowed to visit it for meditation, studies, and mentoring by the spiritual hierarchs there.

The time of arrival of the Lords of the Flames coincides with the descent of the 3rd root race, and there was then a decision to deprogram the evolving Terrans for their willful running agog in the dense spheres and full immersion in desire. Sanat Kumara begged the Council of 24 Elders that Terrans be given the chance to evolve, and that was when re-incarnation was introduced so as to give the reincarnating soul the chance to evolve from the gutter level of dark karmas.

Since the Lord Sanat Kumara didn’t embody on the physical plane, he has remained in the eternity of youth relative to us down here who die of aging after just a few decades of existence. He had come down therefore in the collective psyche as the Divine Child, and that Divine Child image had galvanized into different expressions across different culture.

In the Philippines, the Divine Child is called the Sto. Niňo, believed to be the Infant Jesus. Certain healers claim that the Divine Child supposedly possesses them to help them heal others, but that is a mere belief. Sanat Kumara’s energy is beyond our tolerance threshold, He doesn’t touch an advancing Aspirant directly in fact though He does offer blessings to the Initiates of the Brotherhood and give His Mandate to them to do the Work in advancing the spheres of Light on the physical plane.

Let it be stressed that we Brothers & Sisters of Light, who received mandates directly from Sanat Kumara, recognize His Divinity Lord Sanat Kumara’s authority and those of his entourage of hierarchs and no other authority for Earth. I myself, who used to have embodiments in Sirius, doesn’t accept authority from certain extraterrestrial powers who manipulate certain Terrans (starseeds among them) for purposes other than the Divine Plan for Earth.

The Divine Plan for Terra comes from the Lord Sanat Kumara and his entourage of hierarchs and not elsewhere. So mote it be.

[Philippines, 28 August 2011]

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MAHATMAS REVEAL 1,000,000 HABITABLE PLANETS September 14, 2011


Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Magandang araw! Good day!

To continue with peregrinations on Divine Wisdom, the mahatmas of the Great White Brotherhood did release voluminous reports about the expanding Kosmos. Cosmogenesis or cosmic evolution, the complex process of projections of planes and beings from the Spirit-Force or One Universal Principle (God as folks name him/her), is contained in the 1st volume of the 2-volume Secret Doctrine authored by Helena Blavatsky, chela of the mahatmas and chohans.

In many writings, the mystics who comprised the founders of the Theosophical Society discoursed on Kosmos, from the emanation of the highest spiritual planes through the tedious galvanizations of the material planes. The formation of celestial bodies were correspondingly covered, the principles behind such phenomena explicated, and physical matter observed and desribed (using mystical faculties) down to the sub-atomic level.

In the process of cosmogenesis, the mahatmas never failed to reveal the original 1,000,000+ habitable planets. Employing Divine Wisdom’s version of astrophysics, the formation of planets were described and explained, beginning with their gaseous mass formations from star materials through their getting into orbits and onwards through the cooling of innumerable planets.

Such cooling then became conditions that made specialized beings—Creator Deities—to decide to evolve new beings notably humans. As already summarized by me in other articles, the process of evolution of humans went through four (4) Evolutionary Rounds, of which we are situated in the 4th Round.

As to our very own Sun or Solus, thirty (30) planets were cited by the Mahatmas through the mystical chelas as having gravitated eventually to it. Of the 30, just about ten (10) are visible on the physical plane, while the rest are located in the higher planes. The mystics incidentally had their higher faculties opened during the synergy with Mahatmas, thus enabling their direct observation of the planets and reporting on them via pamphlets and publications of the Theosophical Society.

The Earth itself has seven (7) globes, or seven dimensions. Veiled folks are able to see only the physical globe of Earth, though many have an idea of the 2nd globe or ‘astral Earth’ which they go to every time their respective body sleeps and their astral bodies traverse their natural ecology of astral plane.

In light of latest updates from astronomers, who publicly announced that the Milky Way has about 200 Billion stars, it is most fitting to reflect on the challenge placed upon the shoulders of creator deities to aid in directing the evolutions of beings—from mineral through super-human—in the star systems. The task is indubitably astronomical, but trust the deities, who evolved to godhood during previous manvantaras yet, that they have enormous powers and capabilities to proceed with doing the impossible.

What we can make of the mahatmas’ reports is that of the trillions upon trillions of planets, inclusive of the exo-planets (free-traveling planets without suns), just a few made it to life-supporting criterion. Whether the numbers of habitable planets have since increased is a matter that is left to future spiritual masters to reveal.

[Philippines, 22 August 2011]
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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

I already wrote many articles concerning the prevalence of spiritist mediumship and the Demonic Mind that inheres among the hundreds of millions who practice it. I will supplement those writings with this note that focuses on the insidious attacks by the spiritists on the proponents of divine wisdom, attacks that were aimed at blocking the release and dissemination of the updated divine discourse.

During the inception phase alone of the release of Theos Sophia by the mahatmas, no less than the mahatmas felt drained by the incessant disputations among the members of the Theosophical Society, a volunteer group that tasked itself to help in the publications, study, and spread of the wisdom. At one juncture, Mahatma Kooth Hoomi, among those tasked to interface with chelas (disciples) for the release, had to take a retreat for months to recuperate from the damaging effects of the quarrels and controversies.

Each and every step that the chelas, notably Helena Blavatsky, took to undertake the sublime goal, the Spiritualists likewise advanced their smear campaigns versus the chelas. The Spiritualists maligned, slandered, defamed, and did every sordid act they can versus the chelas and the masters. Every sort of lie they spread to the outside world via pamphlets, books, newspapers, and related media.

In other words, the Spiritualists profited from the mistakes of the chelas. That was just the 19th century by the way, when Theos Sophia was mandated to be released to the open public by the Divine Hierarchy, thus ending eons of secrecy about the divine discourse and practices.

Around the 20th century, the Black Brotherhood created the conditions to ensure that the New Age—using the spiritist mediums as mouthpieces—will become the religion of the future. Noting the unstoppable rise of the teachings of the Brothers of Light, the evil adepts re-engineered the image of the Spiritualists to that of channelers.

The Master John The Beloved warned Christ’s devotees 2,000 years ago yet, that at the end of time, False Prophets will abound too many. And indeed too many are the spiritist mediums today, who all serve the purpose of obfuscating the truth via deceptive messages. From subtle to overt ways, they slander and malign the true Lightworkers more so the Brothers of Light.

It surely isn’t a case of the Spiritualists retreating. It is a case of “if you can’t beat them, join them.” They rode atop the wave of change and illumination, by pretending to receive messages from ascended masters and even from leaders of alien civilizations. They inflate their egos by deluding the public with their supposed roles as gargantuan to supra-cosmic in proportions.

Below is an excerpt from Helena P. Blavatsky’s Key to Theosophy about the subject.

ENQUIRER. But would Mdme. Blavatsky apply this to her own works — the Secret Doctrine, for instance?

THEOSOPHIST. Certainly; she says expressly in the PREFACE that she gives out the doctrines that she has learnt from the Masters, but claims no inspiration whatever for what she has lately written. As for our best Theosophists, they would also in this case far rather that the names of the Masters had never been mixed up with our books in any way. With few exceptions, most of such works are not only imperfect, but positively erroneous and misleading. Great are the desecrations to which the names of two of the Masters have been subjected. There is hardly a medium who has not claimed to have seen them. Every bogus swindling Society, for commercial purposes, now claims to be guided and directed by “Masters,” often supposed to be far higher than ours! Many and heavy are the sins of those who advanced these claims, prompted either by desire for lucre, vanity, or irresponsible mediumship. Many persons have been plundered of their money by such societies, which offer to sell the secrets of power, knowledge, and spiritual truth for worthless gold. Worst of all, the sacred names of Occultism and the holy keepers thereof have been dragged in this filthy mire, polluted by being associated with sordid motives and immoral practices, while thousands of men have been held back from the path of truth and light through the discredit and evil report which such shams, swindles, and frauds have brought upon the whole subject. I say again, every earnest Theosophist regrets to-day, from the bottom of his heart, that these sacred names and things have ever been mentioned before the public, and fervently wishes that they had been kept secret within a small circle of trusted and devoted friends.

ENQUIRER. The names certainly do occur very frequently now-a-days, and I never remember hearing of such persons as “Masters” till quite recently.

THEOSOPHIST. It is so; and had we acted on the wise principle of silence, instead of rushing into notoriety and publishing all we knew and heard, such desecration would never have occurred. Behold, only fourteen years ago, before the Theosophical Society was founded, all the talk was of “Spirits.” They were everywhere, in everyone’s mouth; and no one by any chance even dreamt of talking about living “Adepts,” “Mahatmas,” or “Masters.” One hardly heard even the name of the Rosicrucians, while the existence of such a thing as “Occultism” was suspected even but by very few. Now all that is changed. We Theosophists were, unfortunately, the first to talk of these things, to make the fact of the existence in the East of “Adepts” and “Masters” and Occult knowledge known; and now the name has become common property. It is on us, now, that the Karma, the consequences of the resulting desecration of holy names and things, has fallen. All that you now find about such matters in current literature — and there is not a little of it — all is to be traced back to the impulse given in this direction by the Theosophical Society and its Founders. Our enemies profit to this day by our mistake. The most recent book directed against our teachings is alleged to have been written by an Adept of twenty years’ standing. Now, it is a palpable lie. We know the amanuensis and his inspirers (as he is himself too ignorant to have written anything of the sort). These “inspirers” are living persons, revengeful and unscrupulous in proportion to their intellectual powers; and these bogus Adepts are not one, but several. The cycle of “Adepts,” used as sledge-hammers to break the theosophical heads with, began twelve years ago, with Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten’s “Louis” of Art Magic and Ghost-Land, and now ends with the “Adept” and “Author” of The Light of Egypt, a work written by Spiritualists against Theosophy and its teachings. But it is useless to grieve over what is done, and we can only suffer in the hope that our indiscretions may have made it a little easier for others to find the way to these Masters, whose names are now everywhere taken in vain, and under cover of which so many iniquities have already been perpetrated.

ENQUIRER. Do you reject “Louis” as an Adept?

THEOSOPHIST. We denounce no one, leaving this noble task to our enemies. The spiritualistic author of Art Magic, etc., may or may not have been acquainted with such an Adept — and saying this, I say far less than what that lady has said and written about us and Theosophy for the last several years — that is her own business. Only when, in a solemn scene of mystic vision, an alleged “Adept” sees “spirits” presumably at Greenwich, England, through Lord Rosse’s telescope, which was built in, and never moved from, Parsonstown, Ireland, (vide “Ghost Land,” Part I., p. 133, et seq.) I may well be permitted to wonder at the ignorance of that “Adept” in matters of science. This beats all the mistakes and blunders committed at times by the chelas of our Teachers! And it is this “Adept” that is used now to break the teachings of our Masters!

ENQUIRER. I quite understand your feeling in this matter, and think it only natural. And now, in view of all that you have said and explained to me, there is one subject on which I should like to ask you a few questions.

THEOSOPHIST. If I can answer them I will. What is that?

[Philippines, 18 August 2011]

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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang araw! Good day!

In my previous writings, I did elaborate on a series of articles about the Dark Masters and their Brotherhood, the Dark or Black Brotherhood. They constitute huge networks of puppets and accomplices down on the surface of our planet, their leaders comprising Adepts of evil called the Illuminates.

In this note, I will supplement those notes by citing what Theos Sophia or divine wisdom said about them. Too many words said as a matter of fact. From the beginnings of the release of divine wisdom to the open public (see mahatmas’ letters) to the writing and release of the Secret Doctrine, the magnum opus on the wisdom, so many discourses on the Dark Chohans and the dugpas were elucidated.

Down on the surface of Terra are many dugpas, the Brothers of the Shadow. Uncommitted to the conduct and practice of spiritual precepts, they are abominations down here who totally dictate terms and directives to their chelas or apprentices. They thrive through total control and manipulation of their subjects, like a mesmerizer hypnotizes subjects.

In the current context particularly, when the networks of the Black Brotherhood have on the agenda the New Age practices as religion in place of the old ones (fundamentalism), the notion of ‘evil is cool’ has become endemic and popular. Wicca, sorcery, spiritism/channeling, related forms, are on the ascent, all made to rise as the enabling measures of the dugpas are now prevalent.

Below is an excerpt from Helena P. Blavatsky’s Key to Theosophy regarding the subject.

ENQUIRER. This is very interesting. Tell me, have the Adepts thus inspired or dictated to many of your Theosophists?

THEOSOPHIST. No, on the contrary, to very few. Such operations require special conditions. An unscrupulous but skilled Adept of the Black Brotherhood (“Brothers of the Shadow,” and Dugpas, we call them) has far less difficulties to labour under. For, having no laws of the Spiritual kind to trammel his actions, such a Dugpa “sorcerer” will most unceremoniously obtain control over any mind, and subject it entirely to his evil powers. But our Masters will never do that. They have no right, except by falling into Black Magic, to obtain full mastery over anyone’s immortal Ego, and can therefore act only on the physical and psychic nature of the subject, leaving thereby the free will of the latter wholly undisturbed. Hence, unless a person has been brought into psychic relationship with the Masters, and is assisted by virtue of his full faith in, and devotion to, his Teachers, the latter, whenever transmitting their thoughts to one with whom these conditions are not fulfilled, experience great difficulties in penetrating into the cloudy chaos of that person’s sphere. But this is no place to treat of a subject of this nature. Suffice it to say, that if the power exists, then there are Intelligences (embodied or disembodied) which guide this power, and living conscious instruments through whom it is transmitted and by whom it is received. We have only to beware of black magic.

ENQUIRER. But what do you really mean by “black magic”?

THEOSOPHIST. Simply abuse of psychic powers, or of any secret of nature; the fact of applying to selfish and sinful ends the powers of Occultism. A hypnotiser, who, taking advantage of his powers of “suggestion,” forces a subject to steal or murder, would be called a black magician by us. The famous “rejuvenating system” of Dr. Brown-Sequard, of Paris, through a loathsome animal injection into human blood — a discovery all the medical papers of Europe are now discussing — if true, is unconscious black magic.

ENQUIRER. But this is mediaeval belief in witchcraft and sorcery! Even Law itself has ceased to believe in such things?

THEOSOPHIST. So much the worse for law, as it has been led, through such a lack of discrimination, into committing more than one judiciary mistake and crime. It is the term alone that frightens you with its “superstitious” ring in it. Would not law punish an abuse of hypnotic powers, as I just mentioned? Nay, it has so punished it already in France and Germany; yet it would indignantly deny that it applied punishment to a crime of evident sorcery. You cannot believe in the efficacy and reality of the powers of suggestion by physicians and mesmerisers (or hypnotisers), and then refuse to believe in the same powers when used for evil motives. And if you do, then you believe in Sorcery. You cannot believe in good and disbelieve in evil, accept genuine money and refuse to credit such a thing as false coin. Nothing can exist without its contrast, and no day, no light, no good could have any representation as such in your consciousness, were there no night, darkness nor evil to offset and contrast them.

ENQUIRER. Indeed, I have known men, who, while thoroughly believing in that which you call great psychic, or magic powers, laughed at the very mention of Witchcraft and Sorcery.

THEOSOPHIST. What does it prove? Simply that they are illogical. So much the worse for them, again. And we, knowing as we do of the existence of good and holy Adepts, believe as thoroughly in the existence of bad and unholy Adepts, or — Dugpas.

[Philippines, 14 August 2011]

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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang umaga! Good morning!

The Christians consider Jesus as the greatest of all masters whom they regard, in fact, as the only master worth their respect. While the blind faith of Christians is objectionable, their reverence for a master is understandable as one that defines the relationship between a devotee and a teacher of the Law.

In the spiritual Brotherhood—Great White Brotherhood—the relationship between the chela (disciple) and masters is the source of deference and demeanor for the Brothers & Sisters of Light. Such a reverence is volitional, a manifestation of devotion (mutual devotion), and show of mutual respect between chelas and masters.

A teacher (master) in the Brotherhood always puts into light the volitional will of the chela and does not in any way interfere by undercutting such voluntarism. No teacher of Light ever controls or manipulates chelas, as such act of control and manipulation belongs more to the masters of the Black Brotherhood or Dark Brotherhood.

The term master means being a teacher of divine wisdom. It has nothing to do with being master of certain slaves. So when chelas would address a teacher as Master, the term is done with reference for the master’s conduct of tasks as a teacher.

In my native dialect Ibanag in northern Luzon, the term mestru refers to male teacher, while mestra refers to the female school teacher. I found out later that the said Ibanag words originated from the Hispanic words maestro (male school teacher) and maestra (female school teacher) which has the identical translation of ‘master’ in English.

The same reverence for school teachers as demonstrated by pupils characterizes the reverence that chelas manifest for the masters of Light. In my own experience as a teacher, seekers and mystics have been addressing me as Master, not that it came from me (I would be ashamed to tell seekers to “hey you! Better call me a Master…”), even as I prefer to be called Brother in fact. Thanks to those who address me as master, graces be unto them.

Below is an excerpt from the work of H.P.Blavatsky regarding the subject, in the book The Key to Theosophy.

ENQUIRER. Who are they, finally, those whom you call your “Masters”? Some say they are “Spirits,” or some other kind of supernatural beings, while others call them “myths.”
THEOSOPHIST. They are neither. I once heard one outsider say to another that they were a sort of male mermaids, whatever such a creature may be. But if you listen to what people say, you will never have a true conception of them. In the first place they are living men, born as we are born, and doomed to die like every other mortal.
ENQUIRER. Yes, but it is rumoured that some of them are a thousand years old. Is this true?
THEOSOPHIST. As true as the miraculous growth of hair on the head of Meredith’s Shagpat. Truly, like the “Identical,” no Theosophical shaving has hitherto been able to crop it. The more we deny them, the more we try to set people right, the more absurd do the inventions become. I have heard of Methuselah being 969 years old; but, not being forced to believe in it, have laughed at the statement, for which I was forthwith regarded by many as a blasphemous heretic.
ENQUIRER. Seriously, though, do they outlive the ordinary age of men?
THEOSOPHIST. What do you call the ordinary age? I remember reading in the Lancet of a Mexican who was almost 190 years old; but I have never heard of mortal man, layman, or Adept, who could live even half the years allotted to Methuselah. Some Adepts do exceed, by a good deal, what you would call the ordinary age; yet there is nothing miraculous in it, and very few of them care to live very long.
ENQUIRER. But what does the word “Mahatma” really mean?
THEOSOPHIST. Simply a “great soul,” great through moral elevation and intellectual attainment. If the title of great is given to a drunken soldier like Alexander, why should we not call those “Great” who have achieved far greater conquests in Nature’s secrets, than Alexander ever did on the field of battle? Besides, the term is an Indian and a very old word.
ENQUIRER. And why do you call them “Masters”?
THEOSOPHIST. We call them “Masters” because they are our teachers; and because from them we have derived all the Theosophical truths, however inadequately some of us may have expressed, and others understood, them. They are men of great learning, whom we term Initiates, and still greater holiness of life. They are not ascetics in the ordinary sense, though they certainly remain apart from the turmoil and strife of your western world.
ENQUIRER. But is it not selfish thus to isolate themselves?
THEOSOPHIST. Where is the selfishness? Does not the fate of the Theosophical Society sufficiently prove that the world is neither ready to recognise them nor to profit by their teaching? Of what use would Professor Clerk Maxwell have been to instruct a class of little boys in their multiplication-table? Besides, they isolate themselves only from the West. In their own country they go about as publicly as other people do.
ENQUIRER. Don’t you ascribe to them supernatural powers?
THEOSOPHIST. We believe in nothing supernatural, as I have told you already. Had Edison lived and invented his phonograph two hundred years ago, he would most probably have been burnt along with it, and the whole attributed to the devil. The powers which they exercise are simply the development of potencies lying latent in every man and woman, and the existence of which even official science begins to recognise.
ENQUIRER. Is it true that these men inspire some of your writers, and that many, if not all, of your Theosophical works were written under their dictation?
THEOSOPHIST. Some have. There are passages entirely dictated by them and verbatim, but in most cases they only inspire the ideas and leave the literary form to the writers.
ENQUIRER. But this in itself is miraculous; is, in fact, a miracle. How can they do it?
THEOSOPHIST. My dear Sir, you are labouring under a great mistake, and it is science itself that will refute your arguments at no distant day. Why should it be a “miracle,” as you call it? A miracle is supposed to mean some operation which is supernatural, whereas there is really nothing above or beyond NATURE and Nature’s laws. Among the many forms of the “miracle” which have come under modern scientific recognition, there is Hypnotism, and one phase of its power is known as “Suggestion,” a form of thought transference, which has been successfully used in combating particular physical diseases, etc. The time is not far distant when the World of Science will be forced to acknowledge that there exists as much interaction between one mind and another, no matter at what distance, as between one body and another in closest contact. When two minds are sympathetically related, and the instruments through which they function are tuned to respond magnetically and electrically to one another, there is nothing which will prevent the transmission of thoughts from one to the other, at will; for since the mind is not of a tangible nature, that distance can divide it from the subject of its contemplation, it follows that the only difference that can exist between two minds is a difference of STATE. So if this latter hindrance is overcome, where is the “miracle” of thought transference, at whatever distance.

[Philippines, 10 August 2011]

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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Felicitious greetings from this Fellow of the spiritual Brotherhood!

I already dealt with the subject of Dark Masters or Fallen Masters in a series of articles. I will supplement those articles in this note, by focusing on what Theos Sophia or divine wisdom has to say about them.

In the Mahatmas Letters to A.Sinnett, the Mahatma Kooth Hoomi or KH elucidated lengthily on the Dhyan Chohans—the Planetary Spirits. As one ought to know, evolving into a Dhyan Chohan ensures the evolute that s/he will be retained identity-wise after the phase of our great cycle of lifewave of manvantara. [Note: Mahatma KH was still in physical embodiment when he interfaced with A. Sinett, HP Blavatsky, and related chelas. He had already evolved to a Chohan since after his full ascension.]

In some notes though, the Mahatma KH cannot avoid to discuss the subject of Dark Chohans. He did articulate about the existence of these evil masters, with the notable emphasis that they are the ‘gods of the pralaya’. They occupy certain sectors of the cosmos, and they are truly the epitome of ‘absolute evil’. A Dark Chohan it is that is worshipped as god by the Christians, Moslems, Jews as per elucidation by the mahatma.

Provided that the Dark Chohans do not interfere in the activities of the Brothers of Light (who are Masters of Light), the latter will not interfere in their activities too. I did my own assessment of their deeds, reviewed their engagements since antiquity—including the conduct of the ‘war in the heavens’—and I am convinced that evidences have been accumulating to infer that such evil beings have in fact been interfering in the conduct of affairs of the Brotherhood in the material dimensions such as Earth.

‘Gods of the pralaya’ contains a double meaning to it. One is that these abominations go about disrupting, destroying, dissolving those fine works of the Divine Beings. Another meaning is that on the pralaya phase of the Day & Night of Brahma, the abominations will be resorting to every sort of destructive activity, and suck out the Light from those lower evolutes (humans, nature spirits) as a desperate attempt to exist.

As an update, during this brief period prior to the planetary ascension, the contingency measure is being implemented on Earth to clear up the electromagnetic belt of evil masters by arresting as many as can be arrested. It is already ongoing. The ‘final solution’ for some of them is their disintegration in the ‘lake of fire’ as what befell Lucifer in the late 1980s.

It is hoped that the selective destruction of their key leaders will make the Dark Chohans tow the line and cease from interfering in the works of the Brothers of Light. Maybe they can do that for some time after 2012, but no one can ever trust abominations of any kind to lock up their destructive propensities forever in the labyrinths of oblivion.

At any rate, during the pralaya phase of the Day & Night of Brahma, they themselves cannot survive the destruction coming upon those who failed to evolve based on following the highest spiritual precepts. They and their minions on the human and devic/elemental spheres will go the same route of destruction.

[Philippines, 06 August 2011]

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KARMA September 2, 2011


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

“Kung ano ang puno, siya ang bunga,” is a popular yet ancient idiom among Filipinos. In English, it roughly translates as “whatsoever is the tree, so shall be the fruit.” It is the law of cause of effect, which even physicists recognize in their theorizations of physical reality.

“What you sow shall you reap,” is a parallel aphorism from the ancient Hebraic texts. Plant the seeds of goodness, and you will be rewarded with good results thereafter. Plant the seeds of ill will and evil, and you will reap the punitive results thereafter.

The universal law of karma, as it is understood in the East. Like reincarnation, Theos Sophia expounded voluminously about the subject. In HPBlavatsky’s peregrinations on the subject, she contended that it takes 3,000 years after death before a person can be reincarnated.

There are exceptions to the general trend, as the evolved souls are returned to the physical plane again and again that it hardly takes them to rest before they are sent back. But to the broad folks, who have so much of negative karmas to pay for, and a modicum of good karmas to reap too, it takes a long time before rebirth.

To be able to escape from the recurring rebirths and deaths, one should intensify absorption and practices in the Path and eventually attain nirvana or Self-realization. Moksha (liberation) and salvation also refer to the same end-of-the-reincarnation road history.

A quotation about the subject is cited below, taken from the book The Key to Theosophy by H.P.Blavatsky.

ENQUIRER. But what is Karma?
THEOSOPHIST. As I have said, we consider it as the Ultimate Law of the Universe, the source, origin and fount of all other laws which exist throughout Nature. Karma is the unerring law which adjusts effect to cause, on the physical, mental and spiritual planes of being. As no cause remains without its due effect from greatest to least, from a cosmic disturbance down to the movement of your hand, and as like produces like, Karma is that unseen and unknown law which adjusts wisely, intelligently and equitably each effect to its cause, tracing the latter back to its producer. Though itself unknowable, its action is perceivable.
ENQUIRER. Then it is the “Absolute,” the “Unknowable” again, and is not of much value as an explanation of the problems of life?
THEOSOPHIST. On the contrary. For, though we do not know what Karma is per se, and in its essence, we do know how it works, and we can define and describe its mode of action with accuracy. We only do not know its ultimate Cause, just as modern philosophy universally admits that the ultimate Cause of anything is “unknowable.”
ENQUIRER. And what has Theosophy to say in regard to the solution of the more practical needs of humanity? What is the explanation which it offers in reference to the awful suffering and dire necessity prevalent among the so-called “lower classes.”
THEOSOPHIST. To be pointed, according to our teaching all these great social evils, the distinction of classes in Society, and of the sexes in the affairs of life, the unequal distribution of capital and of labour — all are due to what we tersely but truly denominate KARMA.
ENQUIRER. But, surely, all these evils which seem to fall upon the masses somewhat indiscriminately are not actual merited and INDIVIDUAL Karma?
THEOSOPHIST. No, they cannot be so strictly defined in their effects as to show that each individual environment, and the particular conditions of life in which each person finds himself, are nothing more than the retributive Karma which the individual generated in a previous life. We must not lose sight of the fact that every atom is subject to the general law governing the whole body to which it belongs, and here we come upon the wider track of the Karmic law. Do you not perceive that the aggregate of individual Karma becomes that of the nation to which those individuals belong, and further, that the sum total of National Karma is that of the World? The evils that you speak of are not peculiar to the individual or even to the Nation, they are more or less universal; and it is upon this broad line of Human interdependence that the law of Karma finds its legitimate and equable issue.
ENQUIRER. Do I, then, understand that the law of Karma is not necessarily an individual law?
THEOSOPHIST. That is just what I mean. It is impossible that Karma could readjust the balance of power in the world’s life and progress, unless it had a broad and general line of action. It is held as a truth among Theosophists that the interdependence of Humanity is the cause of what is called Distributive Karma, and it is this law which affords the solution to the great question of collective suffering and its relief. It is an occult law, moreover, that no man can rise superior to his individual failings, without lifting, be it ever so little, the whole body of which he is an integral part. In the same way, no one can sin, nor suffer the effects of sin, alone. In reality, there is no such thing as “Separateness”; and the nearest approach to that selfish state, which the laws of life permit, is in the intent or motive.
ENQUIRER. And are there no means by which the distributive or national Karma might be concentred or collected, so to speak, and brought to its natural and legitimate fulfilment without all this protracted suffering?
THEOSOPHIST. As a general rule, and within certain limits which define the age to which we belong, the law of Karma cannot be hastened or retarded in its fulfilment. But of this I am certain, the point of possibility in either of these directions has never yet been touched. Listen to the following recital of one phase of national suffering, and then ask yourself whether, admitting the working power of individual, relative, and distributive Karma, these evils are not capable of extensive modification and general relief. What I am about to read to you is from the pen of a National Saviour, one who, having overcome Self, and being free to choose, has elected to serve Humanity, in bearing at least as much as a woman’s shoulders can possibly bear of National Karma. This is what she says: —
“Yes, Nature always does speak, don’t you think? only sometimes we make so much noise that we drown her voice. That is why it is so restful to go out of the town and nestle awhile in the Mother’s arms. I am thinking of the evening on Hampstead Heath when we watched the sun go down; but oh! upon what suffering and misery that sun had set! A lady brought me yesterday a big hamper of wild flowers. I thought some of my East-end family had a better right to it than I, and so I took it down to a very poor school in Whitechapel this morning. You should have seen the pallid little faces brighten! Thence I went to pay for some dinners at a little cookshop for some children. It was in a back street, narrow, full of jostling people; stench indescribable, from fish, meat, and other comestibles, all reeking in a sun that, in Whitechapel, festers instead of purifying. The cookshop was the quintessence of all the smells. Indescribable meat-pies at 1d., loathsome lumps of ‘food’ and swarms of flies, a very altar of Beelzebub! All about, babies on the prowl for scraps, one, with the face of an angel, gathering up cherrystones as a light and nutritious form of diet. I came westward with every nerve shuddering and jarred, wondering whether anything can be done with some parts of London save swallowing them up in an earthquake and starting their inhabitants afresh, after a plunge into some purifying Lethe, out of which not a memory might emerge! And then I thought of Hampstead Heath, and — pondered. If by any sacrifice one could win the power to save these people, the cost would not be worth counting; but, you see, THEY must be changed — and how can that be wrought? In the condition they now are, they would not profit by any environment in which they might be placed; and yet, in their present surroundings they must continue to putrefy. It breaks my heart, this endless, hopeless misery, and the brutish degradation that is at once its outgrowth and its root. It is like the banyan tree; every branch roots itself and sends out new shoots. What a difference between these feelings and the peaceful scene at Hampstead! and yet we, who are the brothers and sisters of these poor creatures, have only a right to use Hampstead Heaths to gain strength to save Whitechapels.” (Signed by a name too respected and too well known to be given to scoffers.)

ENQUIRER. That is a sad but beautiful letter, and I think it presents with painful conspicuity the terrible workings of what you have called “Relative and Distributive Karma.” But alas! there seems no immediate hope of any relief short of an earthquake, or some such general ingulfment!
THEOSOPHIST. What right have we to think so while one-half of humanity is in a position to effect an immediate relief of the privations which are suffered by their fellows? When every individual has contributed to the general good what he can of money, of labour, and of ennobling thought, then, and only then, will the balance of National Karma be struck, and until then we have no right nor any reasons for saying that there is more life on the earth than Nature can support. It is reserved for the heroic souls, the Saviours of our Race and Nation, to find out the cause of this unequal pressure of retributive Karma, and by a supreme effort to re-adjust the balance of power, and save the people from a moral ingulfment a thousand times more disastrous and more permanently evil than the like physical catastrophe, in which you seem to see the only possible outlet for this accumulated misery.
ENQUIRER. Well, then, tell me generally how you describe this law of Karma?
THEOSOPHIST. We describe Karma as that Law of re-adjustment which ever tends to restore disturbed equilibrium in the physical, and broken harmony in the moral world. We say that Karma does not act in this or that particular way always; but that it always does act so as to restore Harmony and preserve the balance of equilibrium, in virtue of which the Universe exists.
ENQUIRER. Give me an illustration.
THEOSOPHIST. Later on I will give you a full illustration. Think now of a pond. A stone falls into the water and creates disturbing waves. These waves oscillate backwards and forwards till at last, owing to the operation of what physicists call the law of the dissipation of energy, they are brought to rest, and the water returns to its condition of calm tranquillity. Similarly all action, on every plane, produces disturbance in the balanced harmony of the Universe, and the vibrations so produced will continue to roll backwards and forwards, if its area is limited, till equilibrium is restored. But since each such disturbance starts from some particular point, it is clear that equilibrium and harmony can only be restored by the reconverging to that same point of all the forces which were set in motion from it. And here you have proof that the consequences of a man’s deeds, thoughts, etc. must all react upon himself with the same force with which they were set in motion.
ENQUIRER. But I see nothing of a moral character about this law. It looks to me like the simple physical law that action and reaction are equal and opposite.
THEOSOPHIST. I am not surprised to hear you say that. Europeans have got so much into the ingrained habit of considering right and wrong, good and evil, as matters of an arbitrary code of law laid down either by men, or imposed upon them by a Personal God. We Theosophists, however, say that “Good” and “Harmony,” and “Evil” and “Dis-harmony,” are synonymous. Further we maintain that all pain and suffering are results of want of Harmony, and that the one terrible and only cause of the disturbance of Harmony is selfishness in some form or another. Hence Karma gives back to every man the actual consequences of his own actions, without any regard to their moral character; but since he receives his due for all, it is obvious that he will be made to atone for all sufferings which he has caused, just as he will reap in joy and gladness the fruits of all the happiness and harmony he had helped to produce. I can do no better than quote for your benefit certain passages from books and articles written by our Theosophists — those who have a correct idea of Karma.
ENQUIRER. I wish you would, as your literature seems to be very sparing on this subject?
THEOSOPHIST. Because it is the most difficult of all our tenets.

[Philippines, 03 August 2011]

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