
Dreams, Optimism, Wisdom




Erle Frayne D. Argonza



To all the women I’ve ever loved before

Who once were o! so near in stead

Whose countenance filled my heart’s longings

Even as I to them was an inspiring Sun

Now all of them are shadows of tales gone

Of love and pains that blend like one

I hereby share my blessings and benign carings

As one mentoring soul shares love to all

Let them walk the Path where destiny leads

And scale Nirvana’s farness till travails end

Till they fulfill at last the goddess within them

Shall they turn unto Venus-like beings of zen


[Philippines, 28 September 2010]





The poem speaks for my heart, and so I should say I got nothing to say further about it (smile). Now, my friends out there would say “hey you forgot the names of your past Beloveds as a sign that you hate them” (smile).


Honestly, I never thought I would end up as a bachelor, never thought I was destined (programmed by Oversoul and Christed Ones) to become an Adept. I was reminded by the Mahatmas, who revealed theosophy to modern humanity, that being unmarried is a requisite to becoming an Adept. Well, the bonus for my intense, sharp climb in the nirvana Path is my reunion with my Beloved Twinflame in the ‘master’s world’ just couples of hours after I spiritually ascended in November 2008.


But I did have a history of dating and loving certain women. And I did plan to marry, as early as age 21 I already began to envision our house, design its core structurals, and have children. To my own surprise, not a single bond stayed to permit marriage. My last beloveds were feminists, and marriage was simply outside their personal agenda. I respected their decision, never imposed my ‘will to marry & family’ upon them.

Just the same, no matter what pains I and my beloved ladies went through, the fractured bonds were already healed. I have offered my humble offerings of prayers for them, for their continuing welfare and salvation at their own pace. Upon spiritual ascension, with the power to offer blessings bestowed on me, I offer them blessings, and no one can take such blessings away. That is the alchemy of love coming from this White Robe.




May 2011



Filed under: Inspiration,Literary,mysticism,Poetry,psychology,Sociology,spiritual,wisdom,yoga — erleargonza @ 9:01 am



Erle Frayne D. Argonza



To all the women I’ve ever loved before

Who once were o! so near in stead

Whose countenance filled my heart’s longings

Even as I to them was an inspiring Sun

Now all of them are shadows of tales gone

Of love and pains that blend like one

I hereby share my blessings and benign carings

As one mentoring soul shares love to all

Let them walk the Path where destiny leads

And scale Nirvana’s farness till travails end

Till they fulfill at last the goddess within them

Shall they turn unto Venus-like beings of zen


[Philippines, 28 September 2010]





The poem speaks for my heart, and so I should say I got nothing to say further about it (smile). Now, my friends out there would say “hey you forgot the names of your past Beloveds as a sign that you hate them” (smile).


Honestly, I never thought I would end up as a bachelor, never thought I was destined (programmed by Oversoul and Christed Ones) to become an Adept. I was reminded by the Mahatmas, who revealed theosophy to modern humanity, that being unmarried is a requisite to becoming an Adept. Well, the bonus for my intense, sharp climb in the nirvana Path is my reunion with my Beloved Twinflame in the ‘master’s world’ just couples of hours after I spiritually ascended in November 2008.


But I did have a history of dating and loving certain women. And I did plan to marry, as early as age 21 I already began to envision our house, design its core structurals, and have children. To my own surprise, not a single bond stayed to permit marriage. My last beloveds were feminists, and marriage was simply outside their personal agenda. I respected their decision, never imposed my ‘will to marry & family’ upon them.

Just the same, no matter what pains I and my beloved ladies went through, the fractured bonds were already healed. I have offered my humble offerings of prayers for them, for their continuing welfare and salvation at their own pace. Upon spiritual ascension, with the power to offer blessings bestowed on me, I offer them blessings, and no one can take such blessings away. That is the alchemy of love coming from this White Robe.




May 2011


MOZART YOUR DAY December 5, 2015

Filed under: Ascension,cosmic,Inspiration,Literary,mysticism,Philosophy,Poetry,wisdom,yoga — erleargonza @ 8:43 am



Erle Frayne D. Argonza



As part of your own tools for use

To keep your aura healthy and protected

Immerse yourself in music so benign

Of Mozart and the musical masters

Instantly they do elevate your aura

By octaves higher than your normal life

There to ensure your wellness protection

Against psychic attacks from sorcerers


Keep in tune for an hour a day

Twill keep the witch doctor away

Likewise will your intelligence increase

As razor sharp your skill to analysis

Blissful too will you be in joy

For heavenly tunes in your employ


[Philippines, 14 September 2010]





From my genius grandfather, Estanislao Argonza, did I first learn my Mozart appreciation. From him too did I learn Ybanag folk music and dance of Mascota. An ‘old soul’, Grandpa (as we fondly called him) was the core reason why I was embodied in my family, as both of my parents, who are of average intelligence, are inadequate to understand nor handle a tot who was born a gifted child. A math & music genius, he and my grandmother, a retired teacher, also taught me breeding and culture.


Now, who is Mozart to whom all musicians North and South, East and West, would pay homage too as a great master? His music is so powerful and fine, that it aids in multiplying your aura’s frequency level, thus ensuring you alignment to the divine spheres and protection versus malevolent forces (sorcerers, black magicians, dark invisible beings). What made him into what he is?


Mozart was known in a later embodiment as Leo Tolstoy. Of such gifted mind, he is indeed a spiritual master, already an Ascended or Christed One. His last embodiment was as Nicholas Roerick, great painter who eventually embraced and practiced the avocation of guru of the Teaching. Roerick was a disciple of the late HP Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society and now also an Ascended Master.


Psychologists and researchers discovered that Mozart music is a powerful aid to increase intelligence, focus, and healing. As already said, Mozart also multiplies your aura’s frequency during acts of listening, thus protecting you from psychic attacks. If you seem drained as you talked to a negative person (demoniac) or so, sit down and listen to Mozart so as to close your astral body, breath deeply for 7X, and there you go feeling your energy coming back.




May 2011




Gracious Day to all friends, partners in development, fellows in the Path!


You’re all invited to relish moments of Light-seeking reflections, call to relevant actions and self-development thoughts with me, through my blogs:


Development, Economics, Better World:


Seekers’ Lessons, Freethought, Yoga, Self-Development:,


Poetry for Inspirational Living:


Happy Reading!


Bro. Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra Efdargon