
Dreams, Optimism, Wisdom



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Good Day from this fellow of the spiritual Brotherhood!

Dark masters are making a last-ditch attempt to extend their self-acclaimed mandates on Earth and the sector of the universe—Lucifer’s sector—that rebelled against the Almighty Creator. They are fairly aware of the Divine Plan to supplant their hierarchy—the Old Hierarchy—with a new hierarchy comprising of Ascended Beings very soon, so they are in panic at this very moment.

It is true that the Lord Ancient of Days did govern Earth in a concurrent capacity for many eons, and that governance remains till these days save for the physical and lower astral planes that are enclaves of the Fallen Ones. The new hierarchy of Elders of the Race is now coming to shape, some updates of which I have already shared to the public (e.g. formation of gatekeepership councils).

Out of His great love for humanity, the Lord Ancient of Days released powerful energies from his very own basic essence in 1934, signaling the forthcoming new age of Light. The release of information regarding the ‘materialization of hierarchy’ was also allowed on that decade, an information that expanded later in the 70s with the rishi JJ Hurtak’s mandated mission thru his book Keys of Enoch.

Among those mandated earlier to share the information about that ‘materialization of hierarchy’ was the channeler Alice Bailey. She being no master of wisdom, I didn’t find it enticing to read her notes on the subject, even as I have long declared that higher truths I shall derive only from master-initiates of the Brotherhood. The writings of Bailey later landed in the hands of Lucifer’s adepts who seized the initiative to spread it (Bailey’s spouse was exposed by John Coleman as a member of the evil Committee of 300 or C300).

The plan of the Dark hierarchy, as revealed a hundred years ago by the master Rudolf Steiner, was to embody Ahriman down on the surface—in the West. In addition, the former tyrant Napoleon Bonaparte will be re-embodied—in Europe—to role-play the tyrannical leader of a united Europe, who will be directly possessed by the World Anti-Man during his mandated leadership.

As to why it was Ahriman and not Lucifer who will directly re-embody on Earth was a mystery at that time. Today that mystery has been deconstructed, since Lucifer was deprogrammed (destroyed in the Lake of Fire), thus rendering Ahriman or Satan as the next dark master most qualified to assume the role that Lucifer left.

The Evil Ones have thus configured the plan within their camp to reinforce the coming of both Anti-Christ (Ahriman) and Anti-Man (global tyrant) with massive possession of dark adepts down the surface by many dark masters (situated in the astral, etheric, mental planes). Just exactly how they will be able to do that now, with massive search & arrest of dark masters & minions by the Lord Gabriel, is their huge tactical problem.

Bonaparte is now in Europe, a politician who is partly balding and who had done a massive make-over of his image from military dictator to the technocratic politician that he is today. Seated in Brussels, with the blessings of one of the daughters of prince Bernard (Bilderberger group’s head), he awaits his formal mandate from Ahriman who had embodied in the United States of America.

The dark adepts are waiting for mass possession by their bosses of dark masters, and could hardly wait for their consolidation of powers via a consolidated trans-atlantic 4th Reich headed by Bonaparte. But their time-frame has been badly altered, as the Hierarchy of Light has been neutralizing their moves and jailing their evil masters en masse.

Yet the bigger X-factor that has been deterring the Old Hierarchy from full execution of their ‘materialization of hierarchy’ is the on-going direct intervention by the Almighty Father on Earth. Begun in 1974 yet, the Divine Father had clearly departed from his ancient policy of non-interventionism. Earth’s timeline has quite changed already with His Most Divine intervention, and nobody can ever read nor anticipate the Father’s omnipotent mind.

As the dark masters and their puppet adepts are making their last contingency plans for an abominable ‘materialization of hierarchy’, the Council of 24 Elders and the Christ Michael are now preparing for the forthcoming arrest, trial, and deprogramming of a long list of evil masters led by Ahriman and Caligastia (evil prince of Earth’s old hierarchy).

The unrepentant dark lords are indubitably of a very stubborn mien, their evil nature unfathomable, and so they never give up on crafting contingency plans. Desperate to extend their polarity games across the swaths of galactic territory they occupy, they just can’t seem to realize the consequences of their coming deprogramming on their own subordinates.

The Illuminati’s ‘materialization of hierarchy’, a truly desperate one as it engulfs them in flames of self-destruction, is now largely a futile agenda. Faced with the transcendent might of the Infinite Mind & Love of the Father, the Illuminati’s efforts pale too minutely and are falling into chaos and disrepair ever which way they go. They will never succeed in their abominable agenda.

[Philippines, 10 March 2011]


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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Let us continue with our reflections on the Illuminati/NWO chronicles. A couple of articles were already writ concerning the drug agenda of the ‘lizards of odd’. Let me add a third article to the topic: the use of church and rock music to entice folks into the drug subculture.

This area of study is a relatively well researched one. The writings of John Coleman and the Executive Intelligence Review analysts have documented highly revelatory information about the subject, and I find their researches as highly recommended readings for starseeds and seekers. From there, you can branch out to uncover the shadowy dealings of the Illuminati/Committee of 300 or C300 appurtenant to the drug agenda.

To recall the era of Western imperialism and expansionism, the then British East India Company was secretively employed by the evil adepts as a vehicle to engage in massive drug trade in Asia. Opium trade was classic cash inflow business of the reptilians or lizards, a dirty engagement that at one time led to a war—Opium War—in the orient.

The imperial powers eventually succeeded in weakening China to its heels, effected the division of some Chinese territories among the powers, and heightened the said powers’ foothold of drug production, trade and marketing in the emerging international domain.

With a large population to boot, China proved to be a fertile ground for popularizing drug use. Christian missions then served as perfect clandestine vehicles for drug dissemination, buttressed by secret societies and gangland circles (the future Triad organized crime groups).

During those opium heydays, the Jesuit order was hotly engaged in the drug trade itself, practically immersed in all of the phases of opium—from backward linkage (production) to mass market using community missions, and up through international marketing—that then multiplied its assets by many folds. The universities, basic education schools, foundations, and charities of the Jesuits today couldn’t have been conceived and made to grow without the opium trade of yesteryears.

That the Jesuits collaborated with the evil Illuminates of the opium trade heydays is among the proof of the lizard or reptilian core of the Society of Jesus itself. Otherwise, the collaboration couldn’t have been made possible.

Now, let’s fast forward to the 20th century, the advent of which marked the diminution of church powers as modernity drove religion to the backstage of the private sphere (it used to enjoy immense political power as a public sphere player). Religion’s efficacy as a tool to disseminate drugs was likewise reduced, thus challenging the evil lizards to find alternatives to church missions as sweeteners for narcotics usage.

Thus came intellectuals nurtured by the Illuminati to the rescue to brainstorm on such options. Among the influential ones was Theodore Adorno, philosopher of the Frankfurt school, who designed new musical modalities for the purpose. It was through those brainstorming by Adorno and company that the repetitive and simplified lines that you would find in rock music came into being.

Of course, there also were the music companies that were highly involved in the covert agenda to introduce rock music as a tool for drug usage. The Tavistock group took on the cudgels of popularizing texts (books, cultural materials) written by intellectuals it nurtured that tended to sway readers into the emerging fragmentary themes of post-modernism, themes that tended to celebrate the deconstructionist spirit of the times inclusive of drug-taking.

The United States was to replace China as the main mass market for the drugs, such as marijuana, heroine, cocaine, and derivatives such as LSD. C300-nurtured musicians Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones) and The Beatles were among those tasked with innovating on rowdy music targeting the youth, which would be known as ‘rock’. Acid rock, among others, became a platform for enticing LSD use.

From thereon, the rest was history. Till these days rock and other fragmentary music genre are the standards aired in radio stations, MTV channels, YouTube, and special events. It doesn’t matter if upcoming musicians are repulsed by the musical themes and beats they are coerced into recording and performing, with some musicians destroyed by the drugs and degenerate subculture associated with it.

The lizards do have their own kinds on their employ in the music industry, who are active agents in advancing the Illuminati agenda in the domain of culture. As there were Mick Jagger and Frank Sinatra in the latter 20th century, so there are the likes of Lady Gaga today. It wouldn’t be surprising to find out that Jagger’s circle is tasked to initiate the younger Gaga into the Lucifer doctrines and practices, as they belong to a common niche assigned to them by the C300.

However, time has run out on the rock-pop industry. While both the Christian missions and rock music were able to foment damages they were intended to, they are merely chapters in Earth’s 3rd dimensional history. Planetary ascension will have nothing to do with them, rendering them into Jurassic items post-2012. Likewise will the drug industry disappear with them, thus ending eons of deception and veiling of reality domains (by the Dark Masters) thru them.

[Philippines, 04 March 2011]


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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

This Brother of Light extends greetings of love, light, peace!

I began with the narcotics agenda of the Illuminati/NWO in the previous article, with focus on the economics of drugs. For this piece, I’d treat the subject of narcotics’ function to link the drug users to Dark Masters located in the astral-etheric belt of the planet.

The strategic agenda of Lucifer’s adepts (Illuminati/Committee of 300) and their institutional networks (NWO or ‘secret government’) for popularizing drugs and legalizing narcotics eventually goes beyond the economics of it, which, as already articulated, is tied up to propping up the money economy. Knowledge of the effects of narcotics on users, facts established a long time ago, impel the dark adepts to recognize the full import of drugs in connecting hundreds of millions of users to their evil Master guides.

The late mystic HP Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, did her own studies on narcotics (aside from studying psychic and spiritist phenomena). Her studies established the indubitable fact about drugs’ impact: at the moment of intake and drugs’ stay in your blood stream, it will effectively disconnect you from your own Inner Guides who will be offended by the foul smell of the substance.

Accordingly, alcohol stays in the blood stream for twenty-four (24) hours, during which time the Inner Guides will be compelled to disengage from the subject drinker. During that brief moment of intake and alcohol effect, discarnates and demonic beings (truly darkened by lack of light and so obnoxious in smell) will can attach themselves to the drinker and derive light/energy from the aura of the unsuspecting subject.

Furthermore, the stronger narcotics such as marijuana and cocaine stay in the blood stream for fifteen (15) days. Imagine the glee of demons and discarnates during those days of subject’s disconnection from the Light guides, days that enable them to feast on the light of the narcotics user’s aura. That aura is fed with Light from the spiritual domains filtered down to it through the silver cord (for a mystic of Light, that cord is as large as a 2-meter diameter drum, thus protecting the Adept from psychic attacks by evil entities).

Constant usage of the drugs, more so the hallucinogenic varieties, will enable Dark Masters to directly connect to and communicate with the drug user concerned. Imagine how many persons can a Dark Master control through various means, inclusive of drug users, from whom the same Master derives Light (they can’t procure that Light from Above as they’ve been cut off from the spiritual domains by their own corruption and immersions in the dense spheres).

Expectedly, a consummate drug user—both narcotics addict and alcoholic—will attract couples of demonic beings who will be attaching themselves to the aura and chakras of the addict. Discarnates and dark elementals also normally join the fray to suck out light from the addict. But more importantly, a Dark Master derives light from and controls the thought patterns and life directions of the addict.

Any Light helper, or seeker who had advanced a bit, can actually sense the nauseating smell of the aura of any addict or consummate user. A Light mystic, on the other hand, can directly perceive during meditation the aura of any drug user who may happen to be a personal associate of the mystic. The aura that was once lighted up like a lantern turns charcoal dark and nauseatingly smelling, the mystic feels like puking during the meditation.

The aura of a consummate drug user actually smells much similarly to that of a demon’s and discarnate’s smell. The smell is akin to many bedbugs put together and is very repulsive to the observer. Even if the drug user takes a bath and splashes or sprays perfume or cologne, the perfumed user can never hide the awful smell of his/her aura.

When the population reaches 7 billions, and assume that 15% of that population would be regular narcotics users and consummate alcohol drinkers, then you have 1.1 billion souls effectively serving as playground of demons and light generators for Dark Masters. That doesn’t count yet the numerous psychiatric patients and those sick with psychological disorders or have dysfunctional personalities, who may not be drug users or consummate drinkers but are the playground of demons and puppets of Dark Masters just the same.

That is the reason why Gurus of Light are ever remindful of their chelas or apprentices to eventually deprogram and remove drinking from their menu of habits. More so, gurus proscribe the use of narcotics for the reasons cited above. Rather than take drugs, the chela should better meditate regularly, as meditation will help to cleanse and balance the subtle bodies with Light from Above, and enables the chelas to communicate with Inner Guides and Masters of Light during the moments of meditation.

Incidentally, the time for popularizing drugs will be cut short by the planetary ascension on 2012. With just a year and couples of months as window of operations of NWO drug operators, we can anticipate some points whereby drugs will be offered at rummage sale prices as a desperate move of the dark adepts and evil masters to control more souls down here at expanded scales and exponential rates.

Whether such evil desperation can indeed haul more beguiled souls unto their side remains to be seen. The increasing vibratory frequency of Earth is undercutting such efforts, with increasing number of souls getting more connected to their Inner Guides of Light and protected from the legions of evil masters and innumerable demons or asuras.

[Philippines, 01 March 2011]


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Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Matiwasay na araw mula sa kapatirang Ispiritwal! Pleasant day from a Fellow of the the spiritual Brotherhood!

Continuing with our Illuminati/NWO chronicles, let us genuflect on the narcotics agenda of the evil adepts for this note. Narco-agenda goes further than the purported legalization of drugs, so let’s see what’s behind the totality of narco-trade operations by the Illuminates and subalterns. The further delimitation here is the stress on the economics of drug trade, the occult portion to be treated in another article.

Narco-trade is largely done via networks of organized crime or mafia operators, just to remind the readers. Mafia groups serve Lucifer’s adepts for various purposes, including arms trade, money laundering, drugs trade, and every kind of criminal engagements. For this note, do mark the focus on the use of mafia networks for narco-trade.

On the western side of the evil cabals are the British drug traders who have entrenched themselves in the trade for so long a time now. Inside China they are nestled too, allowed by the communist leadership to operate with certain caveats to observe. In all continents they are top operators, with mafia groups at their service (except for the Yakuza and Chinese triads that report to the eastern adepts of Lucifer).

British narco-traders transact drugs largely using gold as the means of exchange. This could be one reason why the gold standard was abolished in 71/72, with the intent to hoard gold so that its price can be manipulated by the financiers. Part of the hoarded gold is used to buy and sell drugs—opium, heroin, cocaine, etc.

Trading in gold will also leave nary a trace of the trade contrasted to trading in currencies. Gold can always be re-melted by the drug seller, thus leaving no trace of where it was minted or produced, while the drug buyer (British traders) would then cart away the narco-merchandise for marketing and distribution in the USA, Europe, and other countries. Mafia groups, to stress, are involved as 3rd party operators, thus rendering the British operators truly clandestine and untraceable.

The proceeds of the drug deals are then ploughed into banking, currency trading, financial derivatives, and related portfolio investments. Some of the proceeds directly finance industrial and services sector businesses.

A group of economists, the Executive Review analysts, revealed recently that the Inter-Alpha group of companies, largely based in Europe though with global operations, have in their list many investors whose assets are traceable to drug money. You won’t be surprised to find out that they comprise the who-is-who network of financiers surrounding the Rothschilds and fronted by George Soros.

So as you ought to realize, the gargantuan assets of the financier oligarchs are to a large degree made to balloon via the drug trade, aside from the derivatives and speculative operations. This facet of the operations entices the very same evil operators into working to legalize drugs in the short run.

As to the connection of drug trading to intelligence covert operations, much have already been written and reported on even by the mainstream news. The connection was also depicted in movie scripts, indicating the widespread public knowledge of the narcotics-covert operations link.

Let’s take the case of the United States’ CIA. Burdened with the expectation to fund diverse covert operations, the CIA has been engaging in narco-trade to raise funds. Such a modus allows the operatives to amass unlimited funds that will be exempt from the oversight inspections by the US Congress. Part of the drug trades’ proceeds is used to procure arms for rebel or criminal groups tasked to do special operations.

In the Asia-Pacific region, there has been a modus Vivendi of the western drug traders (largely British) and the eastern mafia groups to maintain a drug balance. That means not one of them should dominate the drug trade in the region, but rather there should be a ‘balance of trade’ involving both parties at any given time.

At one juncture, the balance of drug trade was almost offset, when the Philippine state was governed by president Joseph Estrada and his mafia minions. Estrada’s circle constitute mafia godfathers themselves, and their presence in the presidential palace practically ensured that the Chinese triads, who comprise their main partners, will dominate the Philippine drug production and trade.

Expectedly, there will be a domino effect of triad operations, with southeast Asia (ASEAN + Hongkong + Taiwan) eventually going into the hands of the triads. Alarmed by the sudden tilting of the balance, the western Illuminati used its covert operators to overthrow the Estrada regime in 2001, thus returning the balance to where it was before 1998 (year when Estrada was elected and took his oath).

The hatchet man used to connect to Philippine civil society groups was no other than the former president Fidel Ramos, a stooge of George Schultz (C300 or Committee of 300). Schultz in turn reports to Henry Kissinger and Queen Elizabeth (head of the C300). Ramos was also the hatchet man used by the Trilateral Commission to overthrow Marcos (for refusing to sell black market gold to the Illuminati/C300 for use as US gold bullions).

In the 2010 presidential elections in the Philippines, Estrada made a 2nd attempt at the presidency. My reading of his candidacy was that the Chinese mafia was trying to make a comeback as monopolist of drug trade in the Philippines, hence their support of Estrada’s candidacy. Part of the drugs unloaded by Chinese ships to Philippine shores or transited via fishermen were intercepted by the drug enforcers in the Philippines, proof of the massive operations part of whose proceeds were used to fund Estrada’s campaign.

The drug trade will be a never-ending story worldwide, as one ought to realize. Narcotics are targeted for legalization, oil the investments of financiers, fund the dirty covert operations of intelligence groups, and provide money for the mafia groups that serve the evil adepts well. Let me close the note at this point, and move on to the behavioral facet of the drug trade later.

[Philippines, 28 February 2011]


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