
Dreams, Optimism, Wisdom

PHOTON BELT November 11, 2010

Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang gabi mula kay Ra! Good evening from Ra, Adept from the spiritual Brotherhood!

Many seekers and Lightworkers (those who truly pass on Light to others in need) may be wondering about the ‘photonic belt’ that they have heard from Masters (Adepts of the Brotherhood) and chanellers down here.

It’s always best to seek information about the matter from rishis (Adepts, Melchizedeks) who have observed the photon belt with the clarity of a scientific observer’s eyes. There are incidentally too many of us 144,000 Adepts who, since late 2008 (when we spiritually ascended), could perceive the Milky Way and the surrounding photon belt with clarity.

In late 2008 (November the 22nd), when I moved to a rishi level of awareness (past 9th density), I had the first opportunity to observe the Milky Way from a space point past the edge of our sector of the galaxy. I was almost overwhelmed with awe at the grandiose panorama at the start, but I had to gain my composure as it is “conduct unbecoming” for an Adept to behave like a fans’ club guy looking at a celebrity galaxy what I’m seeing at that moment.

Viewing our home galaxy is an endowment of faculty that is actually common, if not routine, for us rishis. We make no fuzz about the experience at all, and there are a rare few among us who would write down their anecdotes if ever. For the sake of the curious seekers out there, let me share some notes about the matter.

The Milky Way, contrary to the astronomers’ model of the galaxy, is  globe-shaped from a distance. You would actually mistake it as a gigantic planet if your view of it during a meditative vision is not clear enough. But during a very clear view, where the observation is high-clarity pixilation sort of, you would realize that it is not a globe but the galaxy itself, with the tiny-looking stars comprising its structural components.

Surrounding the edge of the Milky Way is a ring that is so subtle it would be invisible to a 3rd dimensional observer. That ring is the photon belt, which to us rishis –who are attuned to densities 8th through 9th when we observe it—could see it very visibly. It looks somewhat akin to the ring surrounding Saturn, save that it is homogenous in composition and looks contrasted to Saturn’s heterogenous concentric formations of couples of rings.

From my perspective, I would normally see the photon belt circling the galaxy’s perimeter in a diagonal fashion. For whatever purpose my Light Body would want me to see it that way—it is my Light Body that actually perceives it and then transmits the information down to my lower subtle body and lower mind—I’d leave it to my oversoul to process and keep confidential.

To understand what photon means, one only needs to go back to basic physics. If you’ve had the luck of being exposed to the intermediate physics course on Relativity & Quantum Mechanics (I took this as an engineering major in ’76 during my 2nd year), then the better for you.

Photon in free form surrounding the galaxy, as a natural tendentiality with ‘law of attraction’ operating to keep photons coherently bonded thus forming an integrated morph encircling a galaxy, is a reality in our cosmos. In theory photons can only be conjured, through modeling, as particle-equivalent.

To simplify your understanding of the reality, photon is of a property past the polarity of electron-proton relationship. More subtle than a particle, or what can be the same—a higher dimension particle-equivalent that is “finer” than electron—it exudes couples of other properties that can make it so beneficial to worlds of a 4th dimensional vibration (from 4th through 8th densities).

Since Earth is located at the edge of the Milky Way, it is inevitable that it (together with the entire Solar system) will pass by the force field of the photon belt. Literally, being exposed to it means that the polarity of electron-proton bond is cancelled out. In such a situation, any devise that operates on electricity and the polarity of +/- (e.g. wet cell), will crash as electricity cannot work in a photonic belt.

Being so subtle and post-polarity field, it instantly neutralizes the dense frequency attacks by Dark Masters and their demonic minions. Any polarizing frequency cannot work either in an apolar or anti-polar force field. Since Terra’s passing thru that field is near, it means the days of psychic attacks by Dark Masters are numbered.

Likewise are the days of electricity numbered. Those electrical power generators that have been operating based on economic hoarding principles just won’t be around any longer when we pass the photonic field. In the Councils of the Brotherhood above (higher dimension), we simply know that it will take around 2,000 Earth years for the planet & Solar system to traverse that field. Photonics will therefore serve as free energy for a long time to come, rest assured.

Couples of other alternative energy sources that would be compatible with photonics, such as the planetary torque, will also be tapped and made available as free energy source. The planet’s albedo, which is freely escaping heat, may also find compatibility with photonics and be tapped accordingly as free energy.

In other words, the photon belt will be like a key to a door of infinite possibilities. It will be the long awaited light from the heavens that will signal the end of the Kali Yuga, and literally the planet will glow with Light for couples of days when Terra passes through it. You will all know that Terra is there when for couples of days there will be no nights, as photons’ reaction on the planet’s electromagnetic field or EMF will lead to a natural luminescence that will last for days during the adjustment period.

So, seekers and Light Workers, let it be pronounced that you will all be witness to the grand event some day in the foreseeable future. Good luck to you on those coming days of free clean energy in a post-Kali Yuga period.

[Philippines, 27 July 2010]







5 Responses to “PHOTON BELT”

  1. Jeanne Bell Says:

    Interesting post, thanks! Can you tell us about the third paragraph more?

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