
Dreams, Optimism, Wisdom

LAST JUDGEMENT November 13, 2010

Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

It’s almost dinner time as I write this 2nd piece for the afternoon, so let me say “anticipate a happy dinner.” Maybe this note about last judgement could spice up your dinner, but please don’t get choked by the note whatsoever. Relax, you just might be a saved one already.

And who saved you? Yourself of course, you may have paid attention to the lessons offered by the masters, applied the tools single-mindedly and thoroughly, and you’re now on the verge of ascension to higher dimensions after 2012.

So what does each term ‘last’ and ‘judgement’ mean when juxtaposed to form ‘last judgement’? Let’s get to the bottom of it pronto.

Judgement is a task that belongs to Cosmic Justice, with certain councils Above taking charge of the daily tasks of deliberating on many souls (see a previous article on cosmic justice). When our body dies, our consciousness moves to our astral body, which will then face a body of Masters (Karmic Board), his/her life reviewed, and then programmed to re-embody based on the imprints of the person’s management of his/her last embodiment, all karmas considered.

The question that may arise is, why will we have a ‘last’ judgement when, as a matter or procedural routine, we already get to be judged every time our body dies and we move up the astral plane?

That’s surely a tough question for the unprepared. So do note this response very well.

It was decreed, by the Council of 24 Elders, that the incarnational experiment proposed by the Lord Sanat Kumara (Lord of 18 Summers, Ancient of Days) be approved (for the souls of fallen planets like Earth). Subject to periodic review to check out on the success—whether fallen humans will be reformed after series of embodiments—the ‘reincarnation way’ will be the mode of existence.

Yes, fallen humans won’t be destroyed anymore in the Lake of Fire, as they weren’t destroyed. Reincarnate, use the Light endowed for you with prudence, and the Almighty Creator will observe the results further. But after a very long period of gestation, a sort of dead line, humans will go back to ‘vertical ascension’ (no need to embody, as the 1st batch of Terrans did).

So, the deadline, as we all know now ‘tis the 2012 end of the present ‘grand cycle’ (25,850) and ‘galactic cycle’ (225 million years) coinciding, humans and angels alike will be subjected to a total review, assessment and evaluation of how they used the Light endowed upon them for the epochs of times they’ve been existing or manifesting their Being.

That’s what the ‘last’ in ‘last judgement’ means. A general evaluation, to use a less threatening term. As the master Elizabeth Prophet (she already ascended by the way) had clarified before, if 51% of the time you used that Light for benevolent—compassionate, selfless, God-filled—purposes, then you are ‘saved’.

Now, if it so happens that, as per assessment & evaluation, it turned out that you used that Light 51% of the time for malevolent—resentment-inclined, egotistical (selfish), worldly/Dark—purposes, then you will be subject to penalties.

For humans broadly, the penalty will be to reincarnate in dense planets intended for their low awareness levels. But those who are excessive in their malevolence, such as Stalin or Hitler, would face heavier penalties, such as being attached to a rock where they will remain for 555 Million years with their consciousness open, unable to harm humans again (see Guru RKK’s works).

Dark Masters who now litter the planet’s electromagnetic field or EMF await different forms of penalties. Lucifer was already deprogrammed (‘decommissioned’ seemingly applicable too) in the Lake of Fire, or was ‘returned back to the basic essence’ (Guru Sal Rachele). Many other Fallen Masters would go Lucifer’s way, and can never again harm the lower realms nor the angelic realms.

One by one such ‘masters of lesser Light’ are now being arrested by the Lord Gabriel, until 2012 when the arrests will be en masse. Which means, there will be resistance, as they will inflame hostilities anew, but the denouement will be the complete arrest of—and penalty on—the fallen masters. This event is 100% certain.

To hasten the judgement process, which is so tedious as it is likewise tough (considering billions of humans and angels to be judged), the 144,000 White Robes will be deputized to perform Judge roles. They will all be Ascended Masters or Christed Ones after 2012, on the level with Archangels. Their wisdom and compassion will serve the souls of those who will be judged pretty well, more so that the White Robes are Melchizedeks by nature.

But some of the 144,000 White Robes will also perform the role of Judge-Executioners. Much like what Archangel Gabriel does, and what the Seraphim will also be mandated to role-play. The Guardians or Watchers particularly will be mandated to perform Executioner roles.

The process of ‘execution’ will be as simple as sucking the remaining Light from out of a Fallen Master and then passing that Light forward to Lord Metatron, Receiver of Light. It may not mean a direct clash versus a belligerent dark master, which is unnecessary.

With the Light taken out from a fallen master, the same ‘thing’ (now reduced to a mere thing indeed) will be passed over to Gabriel’s forces for whatever tasks there may be for their keeping or maybe for systematic dis-integration.

Judging too many Beings is indeed so complex a task. But the protocols of conduct were already pre-designed, dry-run, and ready for implementation. There will hardly be glitches in the implementation, as one will amazingly find out much later.

The service-for-self persons need not worry much really about their judgement. There is no angry God nor Judge-Executioner who will cut them up to pieces and pulp their souls to nothingness. Nonsense and ridiculous thoughts indeed (they make me burst with guffaws). The egotists will simply be transferred to planets suited for them.

Those service-for-others, on the other hand, will populate the New Earth. And, yes, they need not incarnate any further. They will live long lives, so they better ascend from one plane to another while they have their etherealized or ascended bodies with them. Till they reach nirvana, the 5th plane (1st spiritual plane), and upwards to the Father plane or ‘universe’.

Seekers, Light Workers, Mystics, good luck to you all in your respective Path! All of you count in the Divine Plan. Celebrate your victories. Carpe diem!

[Philippines, 04 June 2010]







3 Responses to “LAST JUDGEMENT”

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